Summer Workshop | June 30 — July 2, 2021
We are, maybe we have always been, “alone together.” And while the challenges of being “alone” and “together” have existed historically in various, often complex ways, the current moment of cultural extremism, of Brexit, of American unilateralism, and of a global pandemic, have given the challenge a new urgency. Check out our program.
The keynote "Making and Breaking the Echo Chamber: Social Reality under Pandemic Stress" was given by Harald Wenzel on June 30, 2021.
GSA Distinguished Lecture
In his GSA Distinguished Lecture 2021 Art, Science, and the Paradox of Knowledge: Decolonizing the European Avant-Garde Thomas O. Haakenson frames an important rethinking of the relationship between art and science in Europe since the mid-nineteenth century. However, “Europe” is not a foundational site of discovery in this context, but rather a questionable and illusory point of departure. Offering insights from new research as well as key case studies from his recently published book, Grotesque Visions: The Science of Berlin Dada, Haakenson outlines ways in which the supposedly European avant-garde originally served as the ground for rethinking key assumptions of Western knowledge production more broadly. In decolonizing the story of the “European” avant-garde in this way, Haakenson offers up provocative strategies for reenergizing the field of German Studies as well. Read more
Online Workshop: "How to be a Superapplicant"
In our online skills workshop, Veronika Fuechtner (Dartmouth College) and Johannes von Moltke (Michigan University), both renowned scholars, Berlin Program Alumni and serial fellowship recipients, discussed four test applications with 49 online participants. Pointers & Advice.