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Berlin Program Summer Workshop

"Violence, Oppression and Civil Disobedience: From the Cold War Past to the Neoliberal Present" | June 18—19, 2015

Program | Report | Press

GSA Distinguished Lecture

Joy H. Calico: "Arnold Schoenberg’s A Survivor from Warsaw in Postwar Europe: Musical Remigration and Holocaust Commemoration" | June 30, 2015

Poster | Report | Press

Guest Lecture

"Finden gehen": Filmmaker Andreas Dresen and Film Scholar Randall Halle meet with Berlin Program Fellows | February 2, 2015

Flyer | Press

Reading and Discussion

Adriana Altaras reads from her book Doitscha: Eine jüdische Mutter packt aus. The event was moderated by Irene Kacandes (Professor for German Studies and Comparative Literature at Darthmouth College). | November 25, 2015

Adriana Altaras (right) in conversation with Irene Kacandes (left); Image Credit: Karin Goihl, Berlin Program


Berlin Program Alumni Panel at the GSA

"Writing Histories of Germans Abroad: Approaches and Methodologies to German Sources on Africa and the Middle East" | October 4, 2015 | Washington, D.C.

Flyer | Report