Daycare and Schools
The student union organization “studierendenWERK BERLIN” has 180 daycare spots available at Freie Universität Berlin. The spots are open to children of university members from the various universities and colleges around Berlin, but the families of students and employees at Freie Universität Berlin are given priority.
One focus of the Dual Career & Family Service (DCFAM) office lies in networking with daycare centers and schools. These networks help when it comes to finding spots for the children of visiting researchers, scholarship recipients, and freshly appointed professors who are new to Berlin. The Family Service office does its best to help all members of Freie Universität Berlin find a spot for their children at a daycare center, whether they are students, researchers, or administrative staff members. It also provides information about the mobile childcare program – MoKiS, a model program supported by the Senate Administration for Education, Youth, and Family, which helps parents with special working hours. Freie Universität employees can request emergency childcare at home if something unexpected happens, and if no other options are available.
The Dual Career & Family Service office can provide you with more information and specific advice.