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Setting Up Your Computer and Computing Support Services

Setting Up Your Telephone and Computer


The Computing Services team – ZEDAT – can advise you on setting up your work computer and fixing problems you might encounter later on. They are also responsible for providing any software you need for your work. ZEDAT will send you your login details to set up and activate your Freie Universität account shortly before your first day at work.

If you have any questions about ZEDAT’s services, or specific problems you need help with, you can get in touch with ZEDAT Support by phone or email, or visit them on campus. Should you have questions regarding mail encyrption or your electronic signature, please contact your department's IT officer.  


When your Freie Universität account is set up you will automatically be assigned a personal telephone number. This number will be “yours” for as long as you work at Freie Universität and stays the same even if you move offices. You can view your phone number in the ZEDAT portal under phone settings (“Telefoneinstellungen”).


To register a telephone for your use, you will need a PIN. You can set this up yourself via the ZEDAT portal. A step-by-step guide to using your telephone is available in German at www.zedat.fu-berlin.de/Telefonie/Schnelleinstieg. If you do not have a telephone at your workplace, then please get in touch with the designated IT officer for your unit.



ZEDAT Support (Info-Service IT)