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Research Sabbatical for One Semester

Research Sabbatical for One Semester

The provisions of Article 99.6.1 Berlin Higher Education Act (Berliner Hochschulgesetz) stipulate that university teaching faculty may be exempt from their professional responsibilities for one semester and at appropriate intervals in order to carry out a research project or brush up on their knowledge by gaining relevant professional experience. The employee continues to receive their salary during the research sabbatical. This regulation does not apply to mid-level faculty positions (“Mittelbau”).

 The dean of the department makes the final decision on whether to grant a sabbatical and factors in the applicable legal considerations. A sabbatical may only be granted if the employee has a replacement who can cover their teaching load, any exams they were meant to conduct can be undertaken by someone else, and they have health insurance that covers them during their time off.

Further requirements and conditions for sabbaticals can be found in Freie Universität’s administrative circular no. 01/93 of January 28, 1993 (Verwaltungsrundschreiben).

Find the form to apply for a research sabbatical here.