New research on effective vaccines and remedies focuses on the immune reaction of cells to SARS-CoV-2 as well as reproducing and manipulating the pathogen genome
Refqa Abu-Remaileh, a professor of modern Arabic literature and film at Freie Universität, researches the fragmented and unconventional Palestinian literature.
As long as we don’t have a vaccine to protect us from Covid-19, the best way to avoid infection is to wear a mask covering mouth and nose. It helps protect others from becoming infected, which ultimately protects us, too.
Image Credit: Picture Alliance/Sascha Steinach
Refqa Abu-Remaileh has headed the “PalREAD – Country of Words” project since 2018. The researchers in this project are working on an overview of Palestinian literature since the beginning of the 20th century.
Image Credit: Personal collection
On September 19, 2020, people all over the world took to the streets to demonstrate for an unconditional basic income. At Berlin Alexanderplatz people joined the international Basic Income March.