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Topics in March

Mar 22, 2010

Schoolyard Terror, Online

Cyberbullying: School bullies use the Internet, where the whole world can see the humiliations.

How can verbal violence and psychological terror on the Internet be dealt with? What role does the development of moral feelings play in the practice of prevention?

Bullying can turn school into a nightmare for many children. Nowadays, taunting and teasing are no longer limited to the classroom, lunchtime, or on the way to school. Via the Internet, victims of bullying can be humiliated by classmates right in their own homes. This is known as “cyberbullying.” Psychologist Anja Schultze-Krumbholz of Freie Universität is studying this phenomenon.

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“I don’t intend for my children to grow up in a refugee camp.”

Mohamed Nasheed, President of the Maldives, wishes to initiate radical change in climate policy.

Mohamed Nasheed, President of the island nation of the Maldives, which is threatened by rising sea levels, visited Freie Universität Berlin.

Mohamed Nasheed has made headlines. Several months ago, the Maldivian President and his ministers truly “went under” – to participate in the world’s first cabinet session held on the sea floor. Dressed in diving suits, the members of the government signed an appeal to the international community to further reduce CO2 emissions. This is especially important to the Maldives, located in the Indian Ocean because the island nation is the lowest-lying country in the world. Rising sea levels threaten to obliterate the country entirely. During his visit to Freie Universität, the President of the island nation gave a presentation on Thursday entitled “The Maldives: Leading the Fight Against Climate Change,” in which he made an urgent appeal to the world to seize the opportunity to make a radical change in its climate policies.

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Experiment 2.0

The animation pictures of the experiment are taken in a darkroom.

Practical experiments can be performed virtually, at flexible times and without toxic exposure, from any workstation.

What is good for science is not always good for people. Some experiments are hazardous to the health of pregnant women, for instance, and are therefore prohibited. That is just one group for which the Physics Education group at Freie Universität is developing its Interactive Screen Experiments (ISEs) – and has been doing so for over ten years. Just recently, they have also begun to be put into practice. The “Interactive Practical Experiments” project won distinction in the “Familie in der Hochschule” (Family on Campus) competition.

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