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“No Means No – Together against Sexualized Violence”

Campaign at Freie Universität Berlin will address the issue of discrimination and violence against women, November 22–25, 2022

№ 214/2022 from Nov 18, 2022

In honor of the International Day for the Elimination of Violence against Women, Freie Universität Berlin will be organizing a campaign titled “No Means No – Together against Sexualized Violence” from November 22 to 25, 2022. Through a variety of events, the campaign aims to raise awareness of this problem, calling for more shared responsibility and action against violence toward women. The different activities and events are open to anyone who wants to take a stand and support women who have experienced harassment, discrimination, and violence. The campaign is organized by the Chief Gender Equality Officer team in conjunction with the Margherita von Brentano Center and includes a workshop on the issue of cyberstalking, an exhibition on the #MeToo movement, and a panel discussion on efforts to eliminate sexualized harassment, discrimination, and violence at German universities. You can find further information about the campaign on the following website: https://www.fu-berlin.de/en/sites/nein-heisst-nein/Our-November-Campaign-Against-Gender-Based-Violence2/index.html.


  • Workshop: Stopping (Cyber)Stalking (in German)
    November 22, from 10:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m.
    Workshop with a focus on acquiring practical knowledge and strategies to handle incidents of stalking at Freie Universität for counselors/advisers working in counseling services, academic affairs and examination offices, specific administrative offices, and those in leadership positions.
    You can find further details at: www.fu-berlin.de/sites/frauenbeauftragte/termine/25N-Cyberstalking-Workshop.html
  • Panel Discussion: Together against Sexualized Harassment, Discrimination, and Violence at Universities (in German)
    November 23, from 11:30 a.m. to 12:30 p.m.
    Different key actors at Freie Universität Berlin will discuss the challenges they face in their work against sexualized harassment, discrimination, and violence. Moderator: Heike Pantelmann (managing director of the Margherita von Brentano Center). Participants: Daniela Andrea Baresch (student at Freie Universität Berlin), Brigitte Reysen-Kostudis (Psychological Counseling), Gabriele Rosenstreich (Diversity & Anti-Discrimination Office), Wendy Stollberg (Chief Gender Equality Officer team), Tanja Wälty (Margherita von Brentano Center)
    You can find further details at: www.mvbz.fu-berlin.de/termine/20221123_podiumsdiskussio_gemeinsam_gegen_sbdg.html
  • Peer-to-peer Event: Conversations about Sexualized Harassment, Discrimination, and Violence in Higher Education (in German and English)
    November 23, from 12:45 p.m. to 1:45 p.m.
    A safe space where students and early-career researchers can talk to each other, provide mutual support, and join forces to address their experiences, intervention options, support services, and other related topics.
    You can find further details at: www.mvbz.fu-berlin.de/termine/20221123_von_peer_zu_peer.html

International Day for the Elimination of Violence against Women

In 1999, the United Nations passed a resolution designating November 25 International Day for the Elimination of Violence against Women. The official call for a day of action can be traced back to the kidnapping, rape, and murder of the three Mirabal sisters by the Dominican Republic’s military intelligence service in 1960. Women’s rights activists from Latin America and the Caribbean drew attention to this particular tragedy in order to establish a day against gender-based violence in 1981. Ever since, women’s rights and human rights organizations have continued to observe the day, each year calling for an end to the pervasive problem of violence against women.

Further Information

The event program for this year’s campaign against sexualized violence:

Overview of activities at Berlin’s universities and colleges:


  • Wendy Stollberg, Program Manager, Office of the Standing Working Group on Sexual Harassment, Discrimination, and Violence, Chief Gender Equality Team, Freie Universität Berlin, Email: wendy.stollberg@fu-berlin.de
  • Dr. Heike Pantelmann, Managing Director, Margherita von Brentano Center, Freie Universität Berlin, Email: heike.pantelmann@fu-berlin.de
  • Campaign organizers at Freie Universität Berlin, Email: november25@campus.fu-berlin.de