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Using Satellites and Drones to Explore the Forest

International conference on remote sensing in forests from August 29 to September 3, 2022, at Freie Universität Berlin

№ 129/2022 from Aug 05, 2022

Cutting-edge technologies and the latest findings from the field of remote sensing in forests will be the focus of an international conference taking place at Freie Universität Berlin between August 29 and September 3, 2022. Topics of discussion will include, for example, the first satellite-based systems for the global monitoring of tropical forests in near real-time, applications of drones in forestry, and backpacks fitted with sensors that enable the collection of highly detailed 3D information about local forest structures. The researchers’ goal is to develop tools that help conserve forested ecosystems and thus the wide range of services and sustainable resources the ecosystem provides. Members of the press are welcome to attend the ForestSAT conference. The event will take place in person and the talks will be streamed. Prior registration is required to participate both on campus and online: https://www.conftool.org/forestsat2022/. The conference is being organized by the Institute of Geographical Sciences’ Remote Sensing and Geoinformatics working group at Freie Universität Berlin, the department of Geoinformation in Environmental Planning at Technische Universität Berlin, and the German Research Center for Geosciences in Potsdam.

“Forests cover about one third of the Earth’s land surface. Due to their enormous size, procuring spatially continuous and detailed information about the state and primary characteristics of our forests poses a major challenge globally,” says Professor Fabian Faßnacht from Freie Universität Berlin. He adds that an essential tool for addressing this challenge is the use of methods and technologies from the field of remote sensing – an academic discipline based on the contactless measurement of land surfaces using sensors mounted on satellites and aircrafts as well as special sensors that are deployed directly in the forest.

Further Information

Further Information and Conference Program


Time and Location of the ForestSAT Conference

  • Monday, August 29, to Saturday, September 3, 2022
  • On campus: Freie Universität Berlin, Rost- und Silberlaube, Habelschwerdter Allee 45 and Fabeckstraße 23–26, 14195 Berlin
  • Link to register for conference participation on campus and online: https://www.conftool.org/forestsat2022/


  • Prof. Dr. Fabian Faßnacht, Institute of Geographical Sciences, Remote Sensing and Geoinformatics, Freie Universität Berlin, Tel.: (+49) 030 838 51773, Email: fabian.fassnacht@fu-berlin.de
  • Dr. Michael Förster, Geoinformation in Environmental Planning, Technische Universität Berlin, Tel.: (+49) 030 314-72798, Email: michael.foerster@tu-berlin.de