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2019 Cantor Medal for Mathematician Hélène Esnault

German Mathematical Society lauds professor of arithmetic geometry at Freie Universität Berlin as one of the leading figures in mathematics worldwide

№ 331/2018 from Nov 22, 2018

The German Mathematical Society (DMV) has selected mathematician Hélène Esnault, professor of arithmetic geometry at the Institute of Mathematics, Freie Universität Berlin, as recipient of the 2019 Cantor Medal. The Society’s executive board noted in their decision that Professor Esnault is one of the most distinguished individuals in mathematics worldwide. The Cantor Medal is the most prestigious scientific honor awarded by the DMV. Recipients are named every two years at most and receive 4,000 euros.

The Society’s decision goes on to state, “Hélène Esnault has made deeply significant discoveries in algebraic geometry as well as in topology and numbers theory. Her research results have far-reaching implications, including for physics. Hélène Esnault’s charisma contributes to her reputation as an internationally renowned mathematician.”

“I appreciate Hélène Esnault’s work greatly and congratulate her heartily for the Cantor Medal,” said Michael Röckner, professor of mathematics at Bielefeld University and president of the DMV. Professor Esnault will receive the medal at a ceremony held as part of the DMV annual conference in September 2019. “I am honored by this great distinction from the DMV – thank you very much!” said Professor Esnault.

Hélène Esnault was born in 1953 in Paris. Starting in 1973, she studied at the École Normale Supérieure de Jeunes Filles, receiving her Diploma (DEA) from the University of Paris in 1975 and her Agrégation in 1976. She earned her doctorate in Paris and in 1985 received a habilitation degree both from Paris and from the University of Bonn, where she was a visiting researcher at the Max Planck Institute for Mathematics from 1983 to 1985. Between 1990 and 2012, she taught as a professor in Essen before being appointed to serve as the first Einstein Professor at Freie Universität Berlin, where she continues to work today. In 2003 she received the German Research Foundation’s Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz Award, along with Eckart Viehweg. She is a co-editor of multiple scientific journals and received numerous awards and honorary doctorates. Furthermore, she is a member of four scientific academies and served on the International Mathematical Union’s (IMU) committee for awarding the 2018 Fields Medals.

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Contact for Press

Deutsche Mathematiker-Vereinigung, Thomas Vogt, Freie Universität Berlin, Medienbüro Mathematik, Tel.: + 49 30 838-75657, Email: medienbuero@mathematik.de

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