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Erika Fischer-Lichte Elected Honorary Member of American Academy of Arts and Sciences

Membership of Theater Studies Scholar at Freie Universität to begin October 2018

№ 085/2018 from May 02, 2018

Theater studies scholar Prof. Dr. Dr. h. c. Erika Fischer-Lichte at Freie Universität Berlin has been elected an honorary member of the American Academy of Arts and Sciences. She will be an International Honorary Member in the Visual Arts and Performing Arts – Criticism and Practice section. Fischer-Lichte is a senior professor at the Institute of Theater Studies, Freie Universität. Since 2008 she has been the director of the International Centre in the Humanities “Interweaving Performance Cultures.”

Erika Fischer-Lichte is a member of the Berlin-Brandenburg Academy of Sciences and Humanities, the Göttingen Academy of Sciences and Humanities, Academia Europaea, and the German National Academy of Sciences, Leopoldina. Her book Ästhetik des Performativen (English title: The Transformative Power of Performance: A New Aesthetics), published in 2004, is regarded as a milestone in theater studies. Over the course of her academic career, she has led numerous interdisciplinary, partly international research groups and has successfully completed many major projects. Her publications have been translated into 23 languages so far. Over the past decades she has supervised many doctoral candidates and junior researchers.

The American Academy of Arts and Sciences was founded in 1780. Each year its members honor eminent individuals from the sciences, arts, economics, and public life. In October 2018 the newcomers will be inducted into the Academy in a formal ceremony in Cambridge, Massachusetts, USA. Among the 4,600 fellows and 600 international honorary members, there are more than 250 Nobel Prize winners and 60 Pulitzer Prize winners. Historic members include Benjamin Franklin (1781), Charles Darwin (1874), Albert Einstein (1924), and Martin Luther King Jr. (1966).

Further Information

Prof. Dr. Dr. h. c. Erika Fischer-Lichte, Institute of Theater Studies, Freie Universität Berlin, Tel. (sec.): +49 30 838-50315, Email: theater@zedat.fu-berlin.de