Automated Analysis of Online Hate Communication
German Federal Ministry of Education and Research funds new research project at Institute for Media and Communication Studies
№ 283/2017 from Oct 18, 2017
The German Federal Ministry of Education and Research is funding a new research project on online hate communication at the Institute for Media and Communication Studies, Freie Universität Berlin. The aim of the three-year project entitled “NOHATE: Overcoming crises in public communication about refugees, migration, foreigners” is the automated analysis of hate communication in social media and online comments. The researchers plan to investigate the causes and dynamics of hate communication online and, based on the outcomes, to develop algorithm-based software that provides operators with science-based recommendations for de-escalating moderation. The thematic focus is on refugees and migration, a subject about which hate communication arises on a large, and in particular since the summer of 2015, increasing scale.
The project partners are Freie Universität Berlin, Beuth University of Applied Sciences Berlin, and VICO Research and Consulting GmbH. The project involves collaboration with a wide variety of societal actors, media, and political organizations, including the German Federal Government Commissioner for Migration, Refugees and Integration, Neue Deutsche Medienmacher (New German Media Professionals), the Amadeu Antonio Foundation, and the Axel Springer publishing house.
The project group at the Institute for Media and Communication Studies is led by Prof. Dr. Martin Emmer and Prof. Dr. Joachim Trebbe. Dr. Sünje Paasch-Colberg and Christian Strippel support the project as researchers.
Dr. Sünje Paasch-Colberg, Researcher at the Institute for Media and Communication Studies, Freie Universität Department of Political and Social Sciences, Tel.: +49 30 838-57517, Email:
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