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Chivalric Honors

Literary Scholar Dr. Peter Klaus Appointed Chevalier de l’ Ordre national du Québec

№ 238/2017 from Sep 18, 2017

Literary scholar Dr. Peter Klaus has been honored with the National Order of Québec. He was appointed "Chevalier" (Knight) for his long-term commitment to promoting the literature and culture of Québec, leading to its greater visibility and recognition in German literary research as well as in other international contexts. He was also recognized for his efforts in student exchange between Germany and Canada.

Dr. Peter Klaus worked at the Institute for Romance Languages and Literatures at Freie Universität until his retirement in 2006. Currently he is a "chercheur associé" at the International Research Training Group "Diversity" at the universities of Trier and Montréal. His main fields of research are phenomena of "écritures migrantes" (migrant literature) and cultural diversity in Canada.

The National Order of Quebec (Ordre national du Québec) is a civilian order of merit of the Canadian province of Québec. It is awarded to persons who have made an outstanding contribution to the language and culture of Québec.

Further Information

Dr. Peter G. Klaus, formerly Department of Philosophy and Humanities, Freie Universität Berlin, Email: klauspet@zedat.fu-berlin.de