Times Higher Education World University Rankings 2017–2018: Freie Universität Berlin Ranks 88 Worldwide
Freie Universität among Top Seven Universities in Germany and 29th in Europe
№ 234/2017 from Sep 05, 2017
In the new ranking of the prestigious magazine Times Higher Education (THE), Freie Universität once again ranks among the top 100 universities worldwide. As announced by THE in London on Tuesday, the university ranked 88 worldwide (last year: 75), 29 in Europe (last year: 23), and is one of the seven best universities in Germany.
The ten best German universities in the world, according to the THE Ranking are: Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München (rank 34), Technische Universität München (rank 41), Ruprecht-Karls-Universität Heidelberg (rank 45), Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin (rank 62), RWTH Aachen (79), Universität Freiburg (82), Freie Universität Berlin (88), Technische Universität Berlin (92), Universität Tübingen (94), and Universität Bonn (rank 100). Since 2011, Freie Universität has improved in the world ranking by 63 places, and among European universities by 32 places.
The Times Higher Education ranking is partly based on a global survey among researchers with regard to reputation, research, teaching, international orientation, citation frequency of publications, and statistical indicators. According to the THE Ranking, Freie Universität leads the German universities with regard to international orientation.
Key figures from 1,102 universities worldwide were included in the ranking list, which means 122 more universities were considered than in the comparable ranking in 2016. The top three positions were reached by the University of Oxford, the University of Cambridge (both the UK), and tied at rank 3 – the California Institute of Technology and Stanford University (both USA).
Link to the Ranking