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A "Collection of Yuan Dynasty Paintings" for Freie Universität Berlin

China Donates 16-volume Edition of Out-of-print Work to Art History Institute of Freie Universität

№ 222/2017 from Aug 18, 2017

The Art History Institute of Freie Universität received a significant collection of books from the Chinese Embassy and the State Council of China. The 16-volume, out-of-print Collection of Yuan Dynasty Paintings contains the most important Chinese paintings from the period of the Yuan Dynasty. Last year Freie Universität received the Collection of Song Dynasty Paintings from the Chinese Embassy. The library of the Art History Institute of Freie Universität is the only library in Germany that owns both collections.

Further Information

Shao-Lan Hertel, Researcher, East Asian Art History, Department of History and Cultural Studies, Freie Universität Berlin, Tel.: +49 30 838-908421, Email: s.hertel@fu-berlin.de