Philology for the Future
Seminar Series on World Philologies to Be Continued / Next Seminar on December 8, 2016
№ 408/2016 from Nov 22, 2016
The World Philologies Seminar within the research program "Zukunftsphilologie. Revisiting the Canons of Textual Scholarship" is being continued at Freie Universität Berlin during the 2016/2017 fall/winter semester. Lectures are given to introduce the respective research topic. This is followed by a direct textual discussion and comparison, as well as a discussion of research approaches. This fall two of the speakers will be Adam Talib and Olivier Remaud. The seminars are held in English and are public. Admission is free.
"Zukunftsphilologie" is a research program organized by the Forum Transregionale Studien, which is co-hosted by Freie Universität. The Board of Directors is made up of scholars from Freie Universität Berlin, the University of Heidelberg, and Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin. Zukunftsphilologie supports research in marginalized and undocumented textual practices and literary cultures with the aim of integrating texts and scholarly traditions from Asia, Africa, and the Middle East as well as from Europe itself into the canons of textual scholarship.
The program facilitates contact between researchers in Germany and abroad through a postdoctoral fellowship program, the World Philologies Seminar, workshops and discussions, summer/winter schools, and the publication of the peer-reviewed journal Philological Encounters (Brill Verlag) in the spring of 2016.
The World Philologies Seminar has been taking place since 2010 as part of the Zukunftsphilologie research program. According to the organizers, the combination of a thematic introduction in the form of a lecture followed by direct textual analysis and a lively discussion opens the way for the comparison of research approaches of different philosophical traditions without neglecting the particular context of the respective topic under consideration. The current program as well as those of previous semesters can be found here.
Further Information
Next Topics
- December 8, 2016: How Do You Say "Epigram" in Arabic?, Adam Talib (American University in Cairo)
- January 12, 2017: Provincializing Human History, Olivier Remaud (EHESS Paris) in cooperation with Centre Marc Bloch.
Time and Location
- 4 to 7 p.m.
- Freie Universität Berlin, Holzlaube, Room 2.2051 (3rd floor), Fabeckstr. 23/25, 14195 Berlin-Dahlem; subway station: Dahlem Dorf (U3)
- Prof. Dr. Islam Dayeh, Semitic and Arabic Studies, Freie Universität Berlin, Head of the Dahlem International Network Junior Research Group "Arabic Philology and Textual Practices in the Early Modern Period" and Head of the Zukunftsphilologie program at Forum Transregionale Studien, Tel.: +49 30 838-58245, Email: