Confucius Institute Celebrates Ten Years at Freie Universität Berlin
Ceremony, Calligraphy Exhibition, and East-West Music, April 28 in Auditorium of Henry Ford Building
№ 131/2016 from Apr 27, 2016
The Confucius Institute at Freie Universität Berlin is celebrating its tenth anniversary with a ceremony in the Henry Ford Building on April 28, 2016. The calligraphy exhibition entitled "The Spirit of Peking University" will be opened at 5 p.m.; at 6 p.m. Prof. Dr. Peter-André Alt, the president of Freie Universität Berlin, and Prof. Dr. Lin Jianhua, the president of Peking University will give welcoming addresses. These will be followed by an East-West musical program with presentations by artists from home and abroad. The event is public, and admission is free.
The Confucius Institute is sponsored jointly by Freie Universität and Peking University. During the ten years of its existence, it has established itself as an integral factor in the cultural and academic life of the city. It has evolved into a unique institution for language teaching and cultural and academic exchange, and it has been recognized numerous times as a model institution.
The exhibition “The Spirit of Peking University” contains works by three calligraphers who are renowned scholars at Peking University. Peking University was founded in 1898 as the first university in China. Cai Yuanpei, the most well-known president of Peking University was a major mediator between the East and the West at the beginning of the 20th century. His ideas about university reform and social progress embodied the spirit of Peking University in a unique way. The exhibition is dedicated to the anniversary of Cai Yuanpei's appointment as rector of Peking University 100 years ago. Two of the artists, Chen Hongjie and Niu Gengyun, will present their works and give demonstrations of their art. As of May 4, the exhibition will be on display at the Confucius Institute.
The performers in the musical program include the duo DONG WEST with their ChineseEthnoJazz improvisations, the singer Vivien Lee, and the pianist Volker Greve. The internationally regarded artist Wu Wei plays the sheng, an instrument similar to the mouth organ, and the artist Hu Shengnan will perform her own compositions, some of them on the vibraphone. In the final performance of the evening, the pianist Xie Ya’ou will be joined by Wu Wei and Hu Shengnan, who will recite well-known Chinese pieces as well as their own compositions.
More Information
Prof. Dr. Dr. h.c. Mechthild Leutner, Confucius Institute at Freie Universität Berlin, Gosslerstr. 2–4, 14195 Berlin, Tel.: +49 30 838-72881