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Rethinking Equality

Public Conference on March 3 and 4, 2016, at Freie Universität

№ 002/2016 from Jan 05, 2016

A conference being held on March 3 and 4, 2016, at Freie Universität Berlin will address social inequality. Researchers from Germany and abroad will discuss the current dynamics of social inequalities in Latin America. Among other topics, they will address the impact of legal provisions of state distribution policies and environmental policy developments on inequality in the region. In addition, they will examine how Latin American societies have changed in recent years and what consequences these changes have for social inequalities. In addition to lectures, there will be a round table discussion on March 3 whose participants will discuss the impact of regional studies on the internationalization of the humanities and social sciences. The conference languages are English and Spanish. The conference is public, and admission is free. Registration is possible online until January 31, 2016, at online.

The conference will mark the conclusion of the desiguALdades.net international research network on social inequalities in Latin America that has been funded since 2009 by the German Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF). The research findings will be presented and analyzed. In addition, the current state of regional studies and possible future developments will be discussed from an international perspective.

The conference is being organized and hosted by the desiguALdades.net research network at Freie Universität.

Further Information

Time, Location, Program

Register online (possible until January 31, 2016):



Dr. Bettina Schorr, Postdoctoral Researcher, Latin America Institute, Freie Universität Berlin, Tel.: +49 30 838-58544, Email: bettina.schorr@fu-berlin.de