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Excellent Organization Theory

Elke Schüßler, Junior Professor at Freie Universität Berlin, Receives Best Paper Award of the Academy of Management Journal

№ 261/2015 from Sep 08, 2015

Elke Schüßler, a junior professor of organization theory at Freie Universität, won the Best Paper Award of the prestigious Academy of Management Journals (AMJ). She and Clemens Rüling from Université de Grenoble along with Bettina Wittneben from Oxford University received the award for an article about the efforts of the international community in climate policy. The article entitled “On Melting Summits: The Limitations of Field-Configuring Events as Catalysts of Change in Transnational Climate Policy” was published in 2014 in AMJ and at that time already won the Best Paper Award of the Verband der Hochschullehrer für Betriebswirtschaftslehre (VHB: Association of University Professors of Business Administration). The award was presented at the annual meeting of the Academy of Management (AOM) in Vancouver, Canada.

The selection committee chose this paper because it succeeded in using extensive qualitative data from a management-oriented perspective to analyze a complex social problem – climate change. As a result, the researchers were able to identify critical developments in the process of the management of international climate policy. The paper is an outstanding example of how to do empirical management research and theory development, as well as being highly relevant for management practice. The study has implications for government officials, scientists, and other political actors, as well as for an open and socially relevant business administration.

Further Information

The Publication

Elke Schüssler, Charles-Clemens Rüling, Bettina B. F. Wittneben (2014): “On Melting Summits: The Limitations of Field-Configuring Events as Catalysts of Change in Transnational Climate Policy.” In: Academy of Management Journal, Vol. 57, No. 1, S. 140–171. Link: http://dx.doi.org/10.5465/amj.2011.0812


Prof. Dr. Elke Schüßler, School of Economics and Business Administration, Freie Universität Berlin, Tel.: +49 30 838-56807, Email: elke.schuessler@fu-berlin.de