SUSTAIN IT!, Freie Universität’s Sustainability Initiative, Was Recognized in Hong Kong
Received Excellence in Student Leadership Award
№ 198/2015 from Jun 26, 2015
Freie Universität Berlin's sustainability initiative SUSTAIN IT! received an internationally recognized achievement award in Hongkong. At this year's International Sustainability Campus Network (ISCN) Conference, the SUSTAIN IT! team accepted the Excellence in Student Leadership Award from ISCN, a network of top international universities. It was presented to Katrin Risch, a member of SUSTAIN IT!, and Karola Braun-Wanke, coordinator and co-founder of the initiative, at a ceremony at this year's annual ISCN conference at the University of Hong Kong. The selection committee praised the project for being creative, highly original, and effective. According to the committee, it succeeded in firmly anchoring and spreading the goal of sustainability, while getting students involved. The project was one of four to win against strong competitors.
“Expanding the Dialogue: Sustainability in a Connected World” was the focus topic of this year's ISCN Conference, which took place for the seventh time. The ISCN network includes more than 60 universities from around the world, including universities such as Harvard, MIT, Yale, Stanford, ETH Zürich, the University of British Columbia, and Peking University. The three-day conference was attended by scientists, managers, and experts from all over the world. During the event, Freie Universität's activities in the field of energy management as well as its educational project SchülerUni Nachhaltigkeit + Klimaschutz (Schools at University for Sustainability and Climate Protection) were presented and discussed.
This year's ISCN Sustainable Campus Excellence Awards went to the University of British Columbia (Canada) for Excellence in Building, the KTH Royal Institute of Technology (Sweden) for Excellence in Campus, and Nanyang Technological University (Singapore) for Excellence in Integration.
SUSTAIN IT! was founded in 2010 at Freie Universität Berlin by students and employees of the Environmental Policy Research Centre and the Sustainability and Energy Management Unit. It is intended to be a platform for open dialogue and action for all members of Freie Universität who wish to contribute to sustainable development at the university with their own ideas and projects. SUSTAIN IT! promotes inter- and transdisciplinary dialogue. By organizing university days, lecture series, seminars, art performances, and interactive program formats, it brings together civil society, campus management, research, and teaching. The initiative is coordinated by the Environmental Policy Research Centre.
Further Information
Karola Braun-Wanke, Environmental Policy Research Centre, Freie Universität Berlin, Tel. +49 30 838-51599,
Links to the Homepages
- Website of SUSTAIN IT
- Website of SchülerUni Nachhaltigkeit und Klimaschutz that was created by the Environmental Policy Research Centre
- Video about the application