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Students Performed Well Representing Israel

MUN Delegation from Freie Universität Won Several Awards in New York / Applications for Next Simulation Competition Will Be Accepted in July

№ 086/2015 from Apr 01, 2015

A student delegation from Freie Universität Berlin performed well in representing the State of Israel at the recent conference simulation of the United Nations in New York. The 14 students from various disciplines won three awards for their efforts: two were for position papers and one for their active participation in the negotiations. The delegates took on the role of Israeli diplomats, particularly appropriate this year, which marks the 50-year anniversary of diplomatic relations between Israel and the Federal Republic of Germany. In the simulation the students acted as Israeli diplomats, negotiating about current issues and working out proposals for solutions to challenges such as the pursuit of peace and security, the role of women, sustainability, and how to deal with refugees.

Since November the students had been preparing for their participation in the world's largest Model United Nations meeting by attending lectures given by experts, holding interviews with UN diplomats and representatives of the Israeli Embassy in Germany and New York, and visiting the German Foreign Office. The Department of Law at Freie Universität Berlin sponsors the annual participation of students from various disciplines with 10,000 euros. The program also receives financial support from the German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD) under the PROMOS program. The program at Freie Universität is headed by Peggy Wittke, an academic coordinator at the Department of Law. The delegations from Freie Universität have also won numerous awards for their outstanding achievements in previous years.

The National Model United Nations (NMUN) gives college and university students an opportunity to slip into the role of ambassadors of different countries, participate in various committees, and gain first-hand impressions of multinational diplomacy. Freie Universität has been participating since 1995. There were 5,000 students participating in the 2015 NMUN simulation in New York. The NMUN program strives to provide students with a better understanding of the inner workings of the UN and the foundations of international law, as well as to foster skills in diplomacy and compromise. The students learn professional negotiation strategies, political rhetoric, and applicable facts, all in English, and are given an opportunity to practice what they learned during the simulation meetings.

The application period for participating in NMUN in 2016 will open in July 2015. Students from any discipline may apply.

Further Information

Peggy Wittke, Coordinator, Model United Nations Program, Department of Law, Freie Universität Berlin, Tel.: +49 30 838-54705, Email: peg@zedat.fu-berlin.de

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