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Awards for Master's Theses

Anthropologist Anne-Sophie Weißenhorn and Archaeologist Elisabeth Anna Krüger from Freie Universität Receive Rudolf Virchow Award in 2015

№ 080/2015 from Mar 25, 2015

The anthropologist Anne-Sophie Weißenhorn and the archaeologist Elisabeth Anna Krüger from Freie Universität Berlin have received the Rudolf Virchow Award from the Berlin Gesellschaft für Anthropologie, Ethnologie und Urgeschichte (BGAEU). Both received the awards for their master's theses. Anne-Sophie Weißenhorn submitted her thesis entitled “C‘est la réalité sénégalaise!” in 2014. It deals with multiple healing worlds in the context of mental illness and is a medical anthropological study of the Moussa Diop clinic. Elisabeth Anna Krüger's thesis was submitted in 2012 and is entitled "«Ein Archäologe ist bei uns zugleich ein guter Pole» - Vom Autochthismus und seiner Aktualität in der polnischen Slawenforschung." It deals with autochthismus and its relevance in Polish Slavic research. Each award comes with 500 euros. They were presented on Tuesday evening.

In her thesis Anne-Sophie Weißenhorn addresses the primarily informal interactions between traditional and religious healing methods with biomedical methods in a psychiatric hospital in Senegal. She shows that hierarchies established between different medical systems at the global and national levels are infiltrated at the micro level and points out the significance of social and family relationships in the local treatment of mental disorders. Elisabeth Anna Krüger's thesis focuses on the issues of whether and to what extent archaeology in Poland has been instrumentalized for political purposes and whether archaeological artefacts and objects are subjected to an ethnic interpretation.

The Rudolf Virchow Award of the Berlin Society for Anthropology, Ethnology, and Prehistory is presented annually by the Board of the society. The award is given in recognition of outstanding master's degree theses in these subject areas.

Further Information

  • Anne-Sophie Weißenhorn, Alumna of the Institute of Social and Cultural Anthropology, Freie Universität Berlin, Email: sophie_weissenhorn@yahoo.de
  • Prof. Dr. Hansjörg Dilger, Managing Director, Institute of Social and Cultural Anthropology, Freie Universität Berlin, and reviewer of Anne Sophie Weißenhorn's master's thesis, Tel.: +49 30 838-56505 or -56872, Email: hansjoerg.dilger@berlin.de

Links to Further Information Online