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Recognition for Online Encylopedia on World War I

International Research Project "1914-1918-online" in Annual List of Best Historical Materials of American Library Association

№ 028/2015 from Feb 04, 2015

The online encyclopedia "1914-1918-online" was added to the Annual List of Best Historical Materials of the American Library Association (ALA). For the 11th time, the ALA has compiled projects and initiatives from all fields of historical research that evaluate historical sources about a particular topic particularly well and clearly and published them in its highly regarded Annual List of Best Historical Materials. The international research project "1914-1918-online" is based at Freie Universität Berlin. It is headed by Oliver Janz, a professor of modern history, and the director of the Center for Digital Systems, Professor Nicolas Apostolopoulos. Experts from more than 50 countries are participating in the project, which is publicly available and free of charge.

The English-language encyclopedia has been online since October 2014. It depicts World War I as the first global war in which numerous non-European countries as well as European countries were involved. The "1914-1918-online" project documents the increasingly international research on World War I and contributes to closing gaps in the research.

Contributions for the encyclopedia are written by experts from different countries and subjected to a two-stage review process by the editors and external experts. The editorial board and the scientific advisory board are composed of 90 renowned historians from 22 countries.

In addition to the Friedrich Meinecke Institute of History and the Center for Digital Systems, both of Freie Universität, the Bavarian State Library is the third main institution involved in the ongoing project. In addition, 30 partners in 13 countries support the project, including the German Historical Institute in London, Moscow, Paris, Rome, and Warsaw and the Orient Institute in Istanbul. The project is being funded with approximately one million euros by the German Research Foundation (DFG).

Further Information

Susanne Büchner, Project Coordinator (CeDiS, Freie Universität Berlin), "1914-1918-online. International Encyclopedia of the First World War"; Tel.: +49 30 838-60751, Email: susanne.buechner@cedis.fu-berlin.de      
