Researcher at Freie Universität Is New Member of German Academy of Science and Engineering
Education and Futures Researcher Gerhard de Haan Appointed to acatech
№ 434/2014 from Dec 17, 2014
Professor Gerhard de Haan from Freie Universität is a new member of the German National Academy of Science and Engineering (acatech). A spokesperson for the academy said Professor de Haan was selected for membership due to his outstanding academic achievements and high reputation. Acatech has more than 400 members. They represent the interests of German engineering sciences in Germany and abroad and advise decision makers with regard to engineering science and technology policy issues of the future. Another goal of acatech is to support the transfer of knowledge between industry and science and to encourage young talent in this area. The national academy is in favor of sustainable growth through innovation.
Gerhard de Haan majored in education, psychology, and sociology at Freie Universität Berlin. His doctoral thesis dealt with nature and education, and his habilitation thesis was devoted to the role of time in education. After a visiting professorship in Neubrandenburg, he became a professor at Freie Universität Berlin in 1991. Since 2011 he has been a professor of education and futures studies. His main research interests are future research, knowledge society, innovation research, and sustainable development. Currently de Haan's research is devoted to two main issues: What must a society do today to be a sustainable knowledge-based society in the future? and How should futures studies be done?
Professor de Haan has been active in educational research for over 20 years. He has organized numerous extensive research and development projects. He is currently the chairperson of the German National Committee of the UN Decade Education for Sustainable Development (2005–2014) and the president of the German Association for Environmental Education. He is involved in numerous national and international committees and is a reviewer for foundations, governments, and research institutions. Professor de Haan has published on various topics, including education for sustainable development, knowledge society, risk research, cultural history, and education and the future.
Further Information
Prof. Dr. Gerhard de Haan, Department of Education and Psychology and Institut Futur, Freie Universität Berlin, Tel.: +49 30 838-53054, Email: