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Karin Gludovatz Elected New Member of Academia Europaea

Art Historian from Freie Universität Joins Invitational Academic Society

№ 380/2014 from Oct 31, 2014

Karin Gludovatz, a professor of art history at the Department of History and Cultural Studies at Freie Universität Berlin, was elected a member of the Academia Europaea in the field of fine arts. The Academia Europaea is a nongovernmental academic society with members from all parts of Europe. New members are nominated by a committee.

The Academia Europaea supports interdisciplinary and international research with a focus on European issues. It functions in an advisory capacity for national governments with regard to research, teaching, and academic life in Europe.

Karin Gludovatz majored in art history at the universities of Vienna and Hamburg. Her electives were in classical archaeology and sociology. From 2001 to 2003 she worked on her doctorate in the graduate research training group Praxis und Theorie des künstlerischen Schaffensprozesses at the University of Arts in Berlin, earning her doctoral degree in 2004 from the University of Vienna. Her dissertation was entitled Fährten legen – Spuren lesen. Die Künstlersignatur als poietische Referenz. From 2003 to 2009 Karin Gludovatz worked as a researcher at the Art History Department at Freie Universität Berlin. During the 2009 spring/summer semester she substituted for a professor at the Art History Seminar at Universität Hamburg. In 2009 Gludovatz was appointed a junior professor at the Art History Department at Freie Universität Berlin, where she has held the chair in modern European art history (14th to 18th centuries) since August 2012.

Gludovatz's research focuses on Dutch and Italian painting of the 15th to 17th centuries, concepts of authorship, and myths about artists in the early modern period and in art since the 1960s. She also does research on the relationship between writing and images as well as on the forms, functions, and theories of the artist's signature. Other themes that she deals with include the relationship between art and the documentary and artistic mobility in the early modern period.

Further Information

Prof. Dr. Karin Gludovatz, Art History Institute, Freie Universität Berlin, Tel.: +49 30 838-53824, Email: karin.gludovatz@fu-berlin.de