"Human Rights in Academia"
Public Lecture Series at Freie Universität Berlin on Importance of Human Rights for Academia
№ 159/2014 from May 09, 2014
The importance of human rights for academia will be addressed in a lecture series during the summer semester at Freie Universität. The lectures this year are being organized jointly with Professor Bernd Ladwig and are part of a Human Rights Lectures series organized annually by the Amnesty International university group at Freie Universität Berlin. This year’s contributions aim to provide an update and self-critical overview of the relationship between the production and circulation of knowledge and human rights.
The lecture series will focus on questions such as "Why did human rights evolve into a separate field of interdisciplinary research?"; "What methods are being used to investigate human rights, and what are the results so far?"; and "Are human rights respected in academic practice?" In an attempt to do justice to the many different perspectives, prominent representatives of various disciplines will be in charge of each day's topic. All the featured projects, studies, or discourses will address academia and research with a focus on human rights. Following each presentation, there will be an opportunity for discussion. Some of the lectures will be given in English. All of them are open to the public, and admission is free.
The speakers will address issues related, for example, to medical ethics and the future of human dignity, or they will make epistemological reflections on human rights. Other topics under discussion will be education as a human right, human rights research in international relations, and the role of research in Dahlem with respect to human rights violations during the colonial era and National Socialism.
The lecture series is being sponsored by the Ernst Reuter Association, the supporting society of the International Relations master's program, IB an der Spree, and the General Student Council (Allgemeiner Studierenden Ausschuss, AStA) of Freie Universität Berlin.
Time and Place
- Tuesdays, 6 to 8 p.m.
- Otto Suhr Institute of Political Science, Freie Universität Berlin, Ihnestr. 21, 14195 Berlin, Lecture Hall A; subway station: Thielplatz (U3)
Further Information
Amnesty International University Group at Freie Universität Berlin, Website: www.amnesty-fu-berlin.de, Email: gruppe@amnesty-fu-berlin.de
Link to the Schedule
- May 13, 2014: Researching Human Rights in International Relations and Its Practical Implications
(in English)
Sarah Brockmeier, Global Public Policy Institute (GPPi)
Ashley Gongaware, Berlin Graduate School for Transnational Studies - May 20, 2014: Menschenrechte, Menschenwürde und die medizinische Forschung – Bioethische Fragen der Zukunft
Prof. Dr. Dr. Eric Hilgendorf, Julius-Maximilians-Universität Würzburg - June 3, 2014: Amnesty International als wissenschaftliche Ressource: Arbeitsweise bei weltweiten Untersuchungen
Representative of Amnesty International - June 10, 2014: Medizinische Fragen und ihr Verhältnis zu Menschenrechtsnormen
Prof. Dr. Norbert W. Paul, Universitätsmedizin Mainz - June 17, 2014: Zugang zu Bildung als Menschenrecht – Inklusion von Menschen mit Behinderung
tba - June 24, 2014: Wie weit darf Rüstungsforschung gehen?
PD Dr. Jürgen Altmann, Technische Universität Dortmund - July 1, 2014: Wissenschaft im Dienste der Menschenrechtsverletzungen des Nationalsozialismus
Dr. Christl Wickert, Historian and Political Scientist - July 8, 2014: Empirische Befunde zu Diskriminierung aufgrund sozialer Herkunft beim Hochschulzugang
PD Dr. Martha Zapata Galindo, MISEAL, Freie Universität Berlin
Annabell Daniel, M. A., Freie Universität Berlin - July 15, 2014: Rassen – „Wissenschaft“ in Dahlem in der Kolonialzeit
Dr. Bilgin Ayata, Freie Universität Berlin