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Researcher at Freie Universität Appointed Member of acatech

German National Academy of Science and Engineering Appoints Psychologist Prof. Dr. Bettina Hannover

№ 038/2014 from Feb 03, 2014

The highly regarded psychologist Prof. Dr. Bettina Hannover from Freie Universität is a new member of the German National Academy of Science and Engineering, acatech. "Professor Hannover was accepted as a member of the academy by virtue of her outstanding achievements and high reputation," said a spokesperson for the academy. Acatech has more than 400 members, who represent the interests of the German scientific and technology communities at home and abroad and who support policymakers and society by providing qualified technical evaluations and forward-looking recommendations. Other major aims of acatech are to support the transfer of knowledge between the university and enterprise and to promote the training of young scientists and engineers. The academy advocates for sustainable growth through innovation.

Bettina Hannover's research focuses on self- and identity-related processes. Issues of basic research relate, for example, to the influence of memory and language on identity. In the area of applied research, she deals with gender identity and the development of professional skills in girls and boys in school. Bettina Hannover is a member of the Review Board (representing psychology) of the German Science Foundation (DFG), various Editorials Boards, and several Scientific Advisory Councils as well as the leader of numerous externally funded projects.

Further Information

Prof. Dr. Bettina Hannover, Department of Education and Psychology, Freie Universität, Tel.: +49 30 838-56950, Email: bettina.hannover@fu-berlin.de

