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Martin Luther King’s 1964 Visit to Berlin

Lecture by Former Senator from Alabama, Charles Steele, Jr., on January 20, 2014, at Freie Universität Berlin

№ 016/2014 from Jan 17, 2014

Fifty years ago the American civil rights leader Dr. Martin Luther King visited Berlin. To mark this occasion, on January 20, 2014, which is Martin Luther King Day in the United States, the former State Senator of Alabama Dr. h c mult. Charles Steele Jr. will give a lecture at Freie Universität. Steele, Chief Executive Officer of the Southern Christian Leadership Conference (Atlanta, Georgia) will speak on "Race and Economic Opportunity: Challenges Before Us and the Scope for Political Action." The public lecture will be held at the John F. Kennedy Institute, Freie Universität Berlin. There is no charge for admission. Martin Luther King visited both parts of the divided city in September 1964.

Charles Steele was invited to speak in Berlin by the Martin Luther King Memorial Berlin. The Southern Christian Leadership Conference was co-founded by Martin Luther King Jr. The organization advocates for the rights of the poor and the oppressed. Steele has devoted his life to following Martin Luther King's principles of nonviolent activism to improve people's lives and increase understanding among different ethnic groups.

Time and Location

  • Monday, January 20, 2014, 6 p.m.
  • John F. Kennedy Institute for North American Studies, Freie Universität Berlin, Lansstraße 7–9, 14195 Berlin, Room 319; subway station: Dahlem-Dorf (U3)