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Collaborative Research Center "Governance in Areas of Limited Statehood" to Continue Its Work

German Research Foundation to Support CRC 700 for Four More Years

№ 386/2013 from Dec 12, 2013

The German Research Foundation (DFG) has announced that it will extend its funding of the Collaborative Research Center "Governance in Areas of Limited Statehood" (CRC 700) through 2017. Within the project, 40 researchers including professors and academic staff address the issues of how and under what conditions governance services in the areas of power, safety, and welfare are provided in areas with limited statehood and which problems occur. During the new funding period the researchers aim to work out an empirically substantiated theory of governing in areas with limited statehood. Another focus will be the impact of governance in such areas. During the course of the work, recommendations will be formulated with regard to politics, research, education, and society. The coordinators of the Collaborative Research Center 700 are Prof. Dr. Thomas Risse and Prof. Dr. Stefan Rinke. The managing director is Dr. Gregor Walter-Drop.

The CRC 700 has been at Freie Universität Berlin since 2006. During the new funding period 2014–2017, researchers from several other institutions will continue to be involved, including Universität Potsdam, the Berlin Social Science Center (Wissenschaftszentrum Berlin für Sozialforschung, WZB), the German Institute for International and Security Affairs (SWP), as well as for the first time, the German Institute for Global and Area Studies (GIGA). The CRC 700 is made up of 17 subprojects. The project managers come from the fields of political science, law, and history. In addition, there is a transfer project in cooperation with the German Federal Foreign Office that is devoted to working out the research findings for assimilation into German foreign policy.

Further Information

Dr. Gregor Walter-Drop, Managing Director, Tel.: +49 30 838-58501, Email: gregor.walter@fu-berlin.de

