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Student from Freie Universität Wins Gold Medal in South Korea

Julia Richter and Her Team Won Gold in the Women's Quadruple Sculls, ahead of Canada and Poland

№ 249/2013 from Aug 31, 2013

Julia Richter, a student at Freie Universität Berlin, won a gold medal in the World Rowing Championships in South Korea. The 24-year-old and her teammates Annekatrin Thiele, Carina Baer, and Britta Oppelt won first place in the finals on Tangeum Lake at Chungju in South Korea. Teams from Canada and Poland won second and third places, respectively. Julia Richter studies media and communication studies at Freie Universität.

Freie Universität Berlin has a cooperation agreement with the Berlin Olympic Center. On the basis of this agreement, the university provides special support for its students who are athletes with an A-B-C or special status. The common goal of both parties is to facilitate a successful career in competitive sports while pursuing an academic education. Freie Universität Berlin has been involved in various bodies at local, national, and international levels that are aimed at developing and improving structures for students who are competitive athletes. Locally the university is a member of the Round Table for Outstanding Competitive Sports in Berlin. Nationally, it has worked in a group to support dual careers at universities, and internationally, it is a member of the European network, European Athlete as Student (EAS).

Further Information

Jörg Förster, Director, Center for Recreational Sports, Competitive Sports Commissioner, Freie Universität, Email: joerg.foerster@fu-berlin.de