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Latest Birch Pollination Season in Berlin-Brandenburg in Almost 30 Years?

Freie Universität and Meteogroup Deutschland GmbH Offer Service for Allergy Sufferers Again in 2013

№ 081/2013 from Apr 17, 2013

According to an assessment made by the Institute of Meteorology, Freie Univesität Berlin, the onset of birch pollination in the Berlin-Brandenburg region will be later this year than it has been in almost 30 years. As announced by meteorologist Thomas Dümmel, birch is not expected to pollinate in the region before the beginning of next week. Up to now the record for late birch pollination in Berlin was in 1986, when the pollen started on April 25. In 1986, as this year, the development of birch catkins was delayed by a particularly cold March. This means allergy sufferers should get their medications ready because a great deal of sunshine and little rainfall can be expected to result in high concentrations of pollen in the air during the last week in April, according to Dümmel.

The Institute of Meteorology and MeteoGroup Deutschland GmbH are offering a service for allergy sufferers again this year. Information about the current pollen count as well as pollen forecasts for Berlin are being made available online at www.met.fu-berlin.de/de/polleninfo and by calling +49 9001 270 643 (0.62 euro / min).

With a change in the weather on April 8, the temperatures have risen steadily in Berlin, reaching up to 24 degrees Celsius on April 15. The mild weather functioned as a wake-up pulse for vegetation. The coldest March in more than 100 years was fortuitous for allergy sufferers, as the snow and frost in March kept the plants in hibernation; the Arctic air masses greatly restricted the development of pollen.

Further information and interview requests

  • Thomas Dümmel, Institute of Meteorology, Freie Universität Berlin,

Tel.: +49 30 838-71200, Email: thomas.duemmel@met.fu-berlin.de

  • Sandra Kannabei, Institute of Meteorology, Freie Universität Berlin,

Tel.: +49 30 76 23 46 22, Email: sandra.kannabei@met.fu-berlin.de

Service for Allergy Sufferers