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Equality at Egyptian Universities

DAAD-funded Project at Freie Universität

№ 093/2012 from Apr 23, 2012

From June 19 to 24, 2012, Freie Universität Berlin will host a meeting with representatives of the Egyptian government and four Egyptian universities. The aim is to initiate a dialogue on gender equality at Egyptian universities. This is a first step in implementing a project at Freie Universität in support of Egypt’s transition process. The project is being funded by the German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD), at first for two years.

The project entitled "Gender Equality in the Egyptian Higher Education System" will cover trade missions, workshops, and mentoring, as well as training and support in the development of electronic communication and learning environments. Over the mid- to long term, the ensuing exchange of knowledge and experiences is expected to contribute to the process of transformation at Egyptian universities. The involved scholars from Freie Universität and the Egyptian partner universities aim to network with each other, mutually qualifying university staff to improve governance structures at the universities and to form international partnerships.

The project is being funded with 225,000 euros in the framework of the DAAD program "Cooperation with the Transition Countries Egypt and Tunisia." It is being managed by Prof. Dr. Brigitta Schütt, a vice president of Freie Universität Berlin, and Prof. Dr. Margreth Lünenborg, the academic director of the Center for the Promotion of Women's and Gender Studies at Freie Universität.

Further Information

Dr. Barbara Sandow, Project Coordinator, Gender Equality in the Egyptian Higher Education System, Freie Universität Berlin, Tel.: +49 (0)30 838-51080, Email: barbara.sandow@fu-berlin.de