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DAAD Funds Berlin Graduate School for Transnational Studies (BTS) with 300,000 Euros

Funding Approved for International Recruitment Strategy

№ 295/2010 from Oct 06, 2010

The German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD) has granted the Berlin Graduate School for Transnational Studies (BTS) 300,000 euros for its international recruitment strategy. The funds are from the German Federal Ministry of Education and Research. The aim of the three-year project is to recruit excellent students from around the world and, through the BTS doctoral program, to prepare them for an international career, such as in politics or in business. BTS is a cooperative effort of Freie Universität Berlin, the Hertie School of Governance, and the Social Science Research Center Berlin. Prof. Thomas Risse, founding director of BTS, said the positive assessment by DAAD documents the high quality of the concept of this structured doctoral program.

The recruitment strategy consists of various elements. Workshops are held in Africa and Asia to identify potential candidates for obtaining a Ph.D. in the Berlin-Brandenburg region, and in particular, at BTS. Graduate students in the Ph.D. program are supported by research grants that make it possible for them to go on international research trips and attend international conferences. Finally, scholars from different countries are invited to BTS to work with the doctoral students. In its implementation of the recruitment strategy, BTS is being supported by Freie Universität Berlin’s Center for International Cooperation as well as the academic partners of the three carrier institutions.

On Tuesday, October 12, at 5 o’clock, a welcoming ceremony will be held for the third class of doctoral students at the Social Science Research Center Berlin (WBZ). The invited guest speakers are Prof. Dr. Jutta Allmendinger, president of WZB; Prof. Dr. Michael Bongardt, vice president of Freie Universität Berlin; and Prof. Dr. Donatella della Porta from the European University Institute in Florence. She will hold a lecture on transnational social movements and their theoretical and methodological challenges. Following these presentations, the second- and third-year graduate students will give reports on their research.

Further Information

Dr. Sebastian Barnutz
Managing Director, Berlin Graduate School for Transnational Studies
Freie Universität Berlin
Tel.: +49 (0)30 / 838 52321
Email: s.barnutz@fu-berlin.de

