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Freie Universität Receives Award for Commitment to Climate Protection

Energy Provider GASAG Shows Recognition for Premium System for Energy Saving

№ 288/2010 from Sep 27, 2010

Freie Universität Berlin is a winner in the sustainability competition of the energy group GASAG for its commitment to climate change. The university received the first prize in the category “Architecture and Climate” for its reward system for conserving energy. The bonus system was introduced in 2007. Since then the departments of the university have been refunded 50 percent of the savings from their energy costs. Freie Universität was selected as a pioneer because the model is well suited for use in other organizations. The award is endowed with 5,000 euros.

The director of administration and finance of Freie Universität Berlin, Peter Lange, who is also the university’s environmental management officer, stressed that the bonus system has augmented the many technical and structural optimization measures in recent years in an outstanding manner. It has led to significant energy conservation activities in the departments. Lange added that the university will continue the original three-year fixed-term incentive plan.

The energy and environmental management coordinator of the university, Andreas Wanke, said the bonus system is proof that even public institutions can independently and successfully implement climate protection measures. The energy saving measures over the past seven years have reduced the energy costs of Freie Universität at an annual 2.6 million euros, according to Wanke.

In a sustainability competition started in April 2010, GASAG was looking for innovative climate protection projects. A total of 49 high-quality entries were submitted. Awards were presented in the categories “Architecture and Climate,” “Trade and Environment,” and “Innovation and Education.”

Further Information

Andreas Wanke, Coordinator for Energy and Environmental Management, Freie Universität Berlin, Tel.: +49 (0)30 / 838-52254, Email: andreas.wanke@fu-berlin.de