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WeltWissen Exhibition Opens in Martin Gropius Bau

Freie Universität Partner of Exhibition Covering 300 Years of Science in Berlin

№ 282/2010 from Sep 22, 2010

With lectures by prominent experts and many interesting exhibits, Freie Universität Berlin is participating in the exhibition on world knowledge that opens on September 24 in Martin Gropius Bau. Berlin is presented as an innovative, cosmopolitan metropolis, very aware of its eventful history and devoted to knowledge and science. In the accompanying program researchers from Freie Universität supplement the exhibition with lectures, discussions, and presentations on their approaches to topics of current research. The art historian Dr. Vera Beyer from Freie Universität, winner of the 2009 Young Investigator Award presented by the Mayor of Berlin for innovative research, will give an overview of the accompanying program during the press conference on September 23.

Twenty years after German reunification, the WeltWissen exhibition is the first to present a general overview of the history and present situation of local science – across institutions, disciplines, and eras. It is the highlight of the 2010 Berlin Year of Science and will be on display through January 9, 2010. As a partner of the exhibition, Freie Universität Berlin participated actively in designing and equipping the exhibition.

In the exhibition visitors will be able to see many examples of research at Freie Universität. Exhibits such as the skeleton of the horse once ridden by Frederick the Great, ammonites or paleontological drill cores, various considerations open to interpretation, reports from Mexico, or 3-D images of Mars – historical and current research are made equally vivid. The founding of Freie Universität is taken up in the chronological part of the exhibition. The events in the supplementary program that include researchers from Freie Universität Berlin are listed at the end of this release.

Time and Place:

  • Press conference for the opening of the exhibition: September 23, 2010, 11 a.m.
  • Exhibition dates: September 24, 2010, through January 9, 2011
  • Opening times: Wed. – Mon. 10 a.m. – 8 p.m.; closed Tuesdays
  • Location: Martin Gropius Bau, Niederkirchnerstraße 7, 10963 Berlin

Supplementary program and further information online:


Events with participation of Freie Universität Berlin:

  • September 30, 2010, 10–10:45 a.m.  Knowledge Paths

Dr. Vera Beyer, Group Leader of the Emmy Noether Junior Research Group Kosmos/Ornatus. Ornament as a Form of Cognition - A Comparison of Persia and France c. 1400

Körperliche Reize oder wahre Schönheit? Joseph und die Frau des Potifar in persischen und deutschen Bildern.

Location: Kinosaal in the Martin Gropius Bau

Note: This presentation is free of charge. It is aimed at students of grades 10–13. Advance registration by the school is required: museumsinformation@kulturprojekte-berlin.de  or Tel. 030/247 49 888.

  • September 30, 2010, 5– 5:30 p.m.     Local Knowledge – Presentations by Berlin Scholars and Scientists

Dr. Vera Beyer, Group Leader of the Emmy Noether Junior Research Group Kosmos/Ornatus. Ornament as a Form of Cognition - A Comparison of Persia and France c. 1400

Über die Liebe zu Menschen und Bildern. Joseph und die Frau des Potifar/Suleika in der persischen und deutschen Bildkunst

Location: Lounge next to the atrium

  • October 13, 2010, 5– 5:30 p.m.      Local Knowledge – Presentations by Berlin Scholars and Scientists

Dr. Ingrid Kummels, Professor of Anthropology of the Americas, Latin America Institute, Freie Universität Berlin

Die doppelte Reise von Pilgerschaft und Forschung: Mit dem Lastwagen nach Wirikuta, dem heiligen Land der Huichol in Mexiko

Location: Lounge next to the atrium

  • October 21, 2010, 5–8 p.m.       Seven Paths to Knowledge: Freie Universität Berlin and Calculating

Presence of experts from Freie Universität in the WeltWissen exhibition:  In the room devoted to the complex and error-prone process of counting, experts from Freie Universität will be available between 5 and 8 p.m. to talk with visitors and answer questions.

Location: Theme Room "Computing"

  • October 10, 2010, 7–9 p.m.       Seven Paths to Knowledge: Freie Universität Berlin and Calculating

Dr. Peter Deuflhard, Professor of Scientic Computing, Institute of Mathematics, Freie Universität Berlin, and President of the Zuse Institute Berlin (ZIB)

Immer schnellere Algorithmen auf immer schnelleren Rechnern. Wer gewinnt den Wettlauf?

Location: Kinosaal in the Martin Gropius Bau

Note: This presentation is free of charge.

  • October 28, 2010, 10–10:45 a.m.    Knowledge Paths

Christian Hodgson from the living EQUIA Students Team Berlin for Solar Decathlon Europe 2010, University for School students "schools@university – Klima + Energie" at Freie Universität Berlin:

Solarhäuser als Kraftwerke der Zukunft

Location: Kinosaal in the Martin Gropius Bau

Note: This presentation is free of charge. It is aimed at students of grades 5 and 6. Advance registration by the school is required: museumsinformation@kulturprojekte-berlin.de  or Tel. 030/247 49 888.

  • November 11, 2010, 5– 5:30 p.m.     Local Knowledge – Presentations by Berlin Scholars and Scientists

Björn Schreiner and Heike Balthasar, Geographers from the Planetary Sciences and Remote Sensing division in the Department of Earth Sciences at Freie Universität Berlin:

3-D visualization of Mars HRSC data – the HRSC camera experiment on the Mars Express mission of the European Space Agency ESA.

Location: Lounge next to the atrium

Further Information

Tommi Vollmann, Freie Universität Berlin
Tel.: +49 (0)30 / 838 52607, Email: tommi.vollmann@fu-berlin.de