Getting off the Ground in Cairo
Freie Universität to Start Alumni Work in the Middle East with a Meeting on September 21
№ 278/2010 from Sep 17, 2010
With an alumni meeting to be held September 21, 2010, in Cairo, Freie Universität Berlin will officially take up its alumni work in the Middle East. The event is being organized by the liaison office of Freie Universität in the Egyptian capital. The aim is to create a network between former students and doctoral students who come from the region or are Germans working there.
The event will be held on the premises of the German Academic Exchange Service. Numerous alumni and representatives of academic partner institutions from Egypt are expected to attend. The liaison office was opened in Cairo in the spring of this year. Freie Universität also maintains liaison offices in New York, Beijing, New Delhi, Moscow, and Brussels.
The alumni from Egypt studied such diverse subjects as veterinary medicine, Earth sciences, pharmacy, German studies, and Egyptology. They often hold management positions at Egyptian universities and research institutions. For Freie Universität and its liaison office, they are important disseminators and partners in the cultural and scientific dialogue with Egypt and other countries of the Middle East. In addition, many German alumni who studied Arabic studies, archaeology, Islamic studies, and political science at Freie Universität, currently work in Cairo.
At the start of the reunion, the geologist and vice president of Freie Universität, Prof. Dr. Brigitta Schütt, will give a lecture on the history of water in the Middle East and the countries bordering the Nile.
Further Information
- Dr. Florian Kohstall, Freie Universität Berlin, Cairo Office, Resident Representative
c/o DAAD Cairo Office, 11, Sh. Saleh Ayoub, Zamalek, Cairo, Egypt
Tel. and Fax: +202 273 62 923, Email: -