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Humboldt Research Award Winner Alberto Mario Damiani Conducts Rearch at Freie Universität Berlin

Argentine Philosophy Professor Was Awarded the Friedrich Wilhelm Bessel Research Award and Chose the Campus in Dahlem

№ 253/2010 from Jul 30, 2010

The Argentine philosopher Prof. Dr. Alberto Mario Damiani will conduct research in the coming months at Freie Universität Berlin. Damiani has received the Friedrich Wilhelm Bessel Research Award, which the Alexander von Humboldt Foundation grants to internationally renowned scholars and scientists for outstanding research achievements. The award is valued at 45,000 euros, and a research stay in Germany is linked to the prize. For this purpose, Damiani chose Freie Universität, where he completed his habilitation in 2008. His hosts at the university are the professors Dietrich Böhler and Michael Bongardt. Damiani teaches philosophy at Universidad Nacional de Rosario in Argentina.

Alberto Damiani is a professor of modern philosophy and has an international reputation, especially for his research on the work of the Italian historian and social philosopher Giambattista Vico (1668-1744), for his work on rhetorical humanism, and his studies on the philosophy of language and discourse ethics. Damiani’s special fields of work are systematic philosophy, in particular, linguistic pragmatics, and the practical philosophy of modern times. His most recent publication is the monograph published in 2010, Handlungswissen: Eine transzendentale Erkundung nach der sprachpragmatischen Wende.

The Argentine scholar has previously received several fellowships to conduct research, including from the Humboldt Foundation, the German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD), and the Antorchas Foundation. He serves as an editorial member of several philosophical journals. After a first research visit from June to August this year, Damiani will again be a guest at the Hans-Jonas-Zentrum, Freie Universität Berlin, from October to December 2010 and from February to March 2011.

The Friedrich Wilhelm Bessel Prize winners are invited to conduct a research project in Germany in cooperation with colleagues during a period of up to one year. The stay may be divided up into blocks. The Humboldt Foundation grants up to 25 Friedrich Wilhelm Bessel Research Awards annually.

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