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Top Results for Subjects Taught at Freie Universität

Excellent Ratings in the New CHE University Ranking

№ 123/2010 from May 03, 2010

In the 2010/2011 university ranking by the Center for Higher Education (CHE), Freie Universität Berlin received excellent ratings. In five of the subjects newly evaluated this year, Freie Universität placed in the top group. Very good results were obtained in the categories “research funding” and “faculty support.” The very good overall results are further evidence of Freie Universität’s success in research and teaching reform.

The CHE Ranking re-evaluates one third of the subjects each year. This year the subjects reviewed are the humanities and engineering as well as psychology and education. According to CHE, nearly 300 universities and colleges in Germany and selected universities in Austria, Switzerland, and the Netherlands are reviewed. The results include surveys of  200,000 students and 15,000 professors.

Freie Universität was ranked in the top groups in the following subjects and indicators:

Subject: English Language and Literature/American Studies

  • Research funding

Subject: Education

  • Overall study situation
  • Support
  • Research funding

Subject: German Language and Literature

  •  Overall study situation
  •  Support

Subject: Psychology

  •  Research publications

Subject: Romance Languages and Literature

  •  Research funding
  • International focus

Additional top CHE rankings of subjects taught at Freie Universität (these subjects were not newly reviewed in 2010):

Subject: Business Administration

  •  Library facilities
  •  Support
  • Overall study situation

Subject: Geography

  •  Field trips

Subject: Computer Science

  •  Research funding

Subject: Law

  • Library facilities

Subject: Mathematics

  •  IT infrastructure
  •  Research funding

Subject: Medicine (Charité – Universitätsmedizin Berlin)

  •  Overall study situation
  •  Support
  •  Research reputation

Subject: Pharmacy

  • Overall study situation
  •  Support
  •  Laboratory equipment

Subject: Political Sciences

  •  Research funding
  •  Research reputation

A selection of the most important results will be published on May 4, 2010, in the new ZEIT-Studienführer 2010/11. The university ranking can be viewed online at www.zeit.de/hochschulranking and www.che.de dokumentiert.

Further Information

For interview requests, queries, or inages, please contact:

Goran Krstin
Press Spokesperson for the Acting President
Tel.: +49 (0)30 / 838-73106
Email: goran.krstin@fu-berlin.de