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Freie Universität Berlin Aiding Development of German-Turkish University in Istanbul

Professor Dr. Philip Kunig in Charge of Setting up Law School

№ 90/2010 from Apr 15, 2010

Freie Universität Berlin is contributing to the development of the German-Turkish University (DTU) in Istanbul. Philip Kunig, professor of public law and international law at Freie Universität, is in charge of setting up the law school at DTU. DTU is expected to admit the first students for the 2010/11 winter semester. The Turkish Parliament recently passed the appropriate legislation.

Professor Philip Kunig is a vice president of the German university consortium formed to establish the German-Turkish University. The consortium was founded by 26 German universities and the German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD). Different German universities have taken over the coordination on the German side for setting up each of the separate schools of DTU.

An intergovernmental agreement ratified by Turkey and Germany preceded the adoption of the founding charter by the Turkish Parliament. The agreement provides that Germany will make substantial contributions to academia and teaching and, in particular, to teaching German at the new university. The German contributions will be funded by the Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF).

The German-Turkish University is projected to begin its teaching and research activities in October of this year. It is planned as a full-fledged public research university. The law school will offer degrees in Turkish law as well as several masters of law programs, for example, in European business law, administrative law, or criminal law. The university aims to provide young people with an education tailored to their biography.

Further Information

  • Prof. Dr. Philip Kunig, Department of Law, Freie Universität Berlin
    Tel.: +49 (0)30 / 838-53010, Email: philip.kunig@fu-berlin.de