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German-Chinese “Elective Affinities”

Exhibition in the Confucius Institute at Freie Universität Berlin Displays Works by the Artist Petra Zeidler-Häßler

№ 59/2010 from Mar 15, 2010

The Confucius Institute at Freie Universität Berlin is presenting an exhibition of works by the artist, Petra Zeidler-Häßle. The exhibition, to open March 17, is entitled “Elective Affinities.” It focuses on the similarities of Chinese and Western culture and lifestyles. The pictures and collages created by the semiotician, who is originally from the Lake Constance region, take a playful view of Chinese art and the land itself, the characters of the Chinese script, and other foundations of Chinese culture that the artist encounters in everyday life. The opening event as well as the exhibition running through May 7 are open to the public. There is no charge for admission.

After her studies in social and economic communication at the Hochschule der Künste in Berlin, Petra Zeidler-Häßle initially focused on large-scale acrylic paintings. In recent years she has increasingly turned to small-scale, detailed collages that are thematically organized into larger units. Her main source is printed images found in newspapers, magazines, and catalogs.

Zeidler-Häßle’s arrangements are evidence of her intimate knowledge of Western and Chinese contemporary art, and above all, her interest in depicting the similarities between Chinese and Western culture and lifestyles. Thus, in her Joint Venture series elements of Chinese and Western works of art are combined to form new images so that textual or visual similarities become  very apparent. In the Small World series scenes from Chinese and Western everyday life are juxtaposed. The show includes typographic works: Zeidler-Häßle plays with the characters of the Chinese script in such a way that the viewer does not need to understand them because each work gives a whole new meaning.

Further Information

Time and Place:

  • Wednesday, March 17, 6 p.m. (exhibition opening)
  • March 18 to May 7, 2010 (exhibition): Mon.–Thu. 2–6 p.m.
  • Confucius Institute at Freie Universität Berlin, Goßlerstraße 2–4, 14195 Berlin

Further Information and Registration: