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Climate and Energy in the Classroom

Third "Schools at University" to Be Held at Freie Universität March 15 to 19, 2010

№ 37/2010 from Feb 12, 2010

The Environmental Policy Research Centre (FFU) at Freie Universität Berlin, jointly with Berliner Energieagentur, a company in public private partnership, will be holding a one-week on-campus education program for pupils from March 15 to 19, 2010, on the topic of energy efficient behavior. Scientists, energy experts, artists, and theater teachers will all be involved in the schools@university hands-on education program. The program is open to pupils attending Berlin schools in grades 5 and 6. Online registration for the 2,500 places begins February 22.

On February 18, in advance of the education program for pupils, there will be an opportunity for interested teachers to meet with scientists, energy education experts, and other teachers to exchange information and learn about new methods and teaching materials for energy education and the topics of climate change and energy.

The “Schools at University for Climate & Energy (SAUCE)” is being held for the third time at Freie Universität. Through interactive and participatory activities, the pupils can learn and try out intelligent energy behavior and deal with questions such as: How does electricity get into the outlet? How can I save energy at home and at school? What can I contribute in my daily life to protect the climate and the environment? The conclusion of the week will be a talk and game show, attended by Katrin Lompscher, Berlin Senator for Health, Environment, and Consumer Protection, and young climate activists.

The “Schools at University” is part of the European project SAUCE (Schools at University for Climate and Energy) to educate pupils and teachers about climate protection and energy. The project was designed by the Environmental Policy Research Centre of Freie Universität Berlin. It is being funded for three years through the Intelligent Energy – Europe program of the European Union. In 2009 it was selected by the German section of the United Nations Educational, Scientific, and Cultural Organization (UNESCO) as an “official project of the UN Decade of Education for Sustainable Development.”

Further Information

Time and Place:

  • Teacher Training, February 18, 2010, 3:00–6:30 p.m., Silberlaube, Freie Universität Berlin, Otto-von-Simson-Str. 26, 14195 Berlin; subway stop: Dahlem Dorf or Thielplatz (U3); Bus M 11 or Bus X 11

  • For pupils: schools@university - Klima + Energie, March 15 – 19, 2010, Otto Suhr Institute and Henry Ford Building, Freie Universität Berlin, subway stop: Thielplatz (U3)

For further information, please contact:

Annette Piening
Environmental Policy Research Centre (FFU) at Freie Universität Berlin
Tel.: 0177 / 239 1057
Email: annette.piening@fu-berlin.de