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Freie Universität Wins "Ideenschmiede Berlin" for Third Consecutive Year

Berlin-Brandenburg Business Plan Competition Selects Start-up Support Service at Freie Universität Berlin along with Two Individual Projects

№ 176/2009 from Jul 02, 2009

In the Berlin-Brandenburg Business Plan Competition, Freie Universität Berlin was selected as a think tank "Ideenschmiede Berlin" for the third consecutive year. As reported by the organizers, the Technical University came in second place and Humboldt University in third place. In the evaluation of business ideas, projects at Freie Universität came in first in the "Technology" category and third in the "Service" category.

In the "Technology" category for technology-based approaches, the project paralectrics, conceptualized by Professor Klaus Kramer and Dr. Tobias Blaschke from the Departments of Physics and Pharmacy and the business administrator, Matthias Fellner, was awarded first place. This award is endowed with 10,000 euros. The researchers developed a novel method for the diagnosis of skin cancer.

In the "Service" category for non-technology concepts, the Neutron Games project came in third place. This prize is endowed with 6,000 euros. The company founders Gregor Ilg, Björn Kaminski, and Daniel Schuster intend to market "Handball Challenge" as the world's first handball action game for computers and game consoles.

The Berlin-Brandenburg Business Plan Competition is the largest of its kind nationwide. The competition supports company founders in three stages on their way from having an idea to developing a business plan. The initiative achieved record results in the 14th competition with 748 business plans submitted since November, 2008, and a total of 2,700 registered participants. The competition is organized by IBB, the investment bank of Brandenburg (ILB) and the Association of Employers of Berlin-Brandenburg (UVB).

The Neutron Games project also won a 5,000-euro prize from the City of Berlin, Department of Economics, Technology, and Women, in the Serious Games category for its Handball Trainer 3D project. The city's Senator for Economics, Harald Wolf, presented the first prize to the founders Gregor Ilg and Björn Kaminski, whose project was selected in favor of 25 competitors. This competition was the opening in a new competition series for IT and the creative industries called "Berlin – Made to Create."

Further Information

Elisabeth Busse
profund – die Gründungsförderung der Freien Universität Berlin
Tel.: +49 (0)30 838-73637
Email: Elisabeth.Busse@fu-berlin.de