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Dr. Georg Bertram
Professor of Philosophy

Department of Philosophy and Humanities
Institute of Philosophy
Aesthetics and Theoretical Philosophy

Habelschwerdter Allee 30, 14195 Berlin

Areas of Expertise

  • Aesthetics
  • Anthropology
  • Epistemology
  • Hermeneutic, neostructural, and postanalytic contemporary philosophy
  • German idealism
  • Philosophy of mind
  • Social ontology and social philosophy
  • Philosophy of language and symbolic media
  • Philosophy of art
  • Self-consciousness
  • Hermeneutics

Dr. Kai Bremer
Professor of Modern German Literature

Department of Philosophy and Humanities
Institute of German and Dutch Languages and Literatures
Modern German Literature

Habelschwerdter Allee 45, 14195 Berlin

Areas of Expertise

  • Literature of the early modern period
  • Drama
  • Contemporary drama
  • Contemporary poetry
  • Contemporary theatre
  • Theatre criticism
  • Rhetoric
  • church history
  • historical conversion research
  • confessionalisation research
  • philology
  • editorial philology
  • verse epic
  • cultural history

Dr. Robin Celikates
Professor of Philosophy

Department of Philosophy and Humanities
Institute of Philosophy

Habelschwerdter Allee 30, 14195 Berlin

Please note

Interviews may also be conducted in French and German.

Areas of Expertise

  • Political and social philosophy
  • Theory of democracy

Dr. Dina Emundts
Professor of Philosphy

Department of Philosophy and Humanities
Institute of Philosophy

Habelschwerdter 30, 14195 Berlin

Areas of Expertise

  • History of philosophy, especially Kant and Hegel
  • Metaphysics
  • Epistemology
  • Philosophy of Mind (in part also theory of feelings, especially gratitude and conscience)

Dr. Anne Eusterschulte
Professor of Philosophy

Department of Philosophy and Humanities
Institute of Philosophy
History of Philosophy

Habelschwerdter Allee 30, 14195 Berlin

Areas of Expertise

  • Philosophy of the Renaissance and early modern
  • Philosophy of the 18th century
  • Philosophy of religion
  • Reception of ancient philosophy
  • History of philosophy
  • Metaphysics
  • Social philosophy and aesthetics of our time

Dr. Hans Feger

Department of Philosophy and Humanities
German-Asian Graduate Group of Humanities

Habelschwerdter Allee 45, 14195 Berlin

Areas of Expertise

  • Chinese philosophy and aesthetics (German-Chinese)
  • Moral philosophy and existentialism
  • Aesthetics of German idealism
  • Kierkegaard and Kant
  • German literature (esp. Enlightenment, Storm and Stress, Weimar Classicism, Romantic period)
  • Literary theory and aesthetics in a philosophical context
  • Literature of the classical modern
  • Research cooperation with East Asia
  • German-Asian Graduate School of Humanities

Dr. Gunter Gebauer
Professor of Philosophy

Department of Philosophy and Humanities
Institute of Philosophy
Anthropology, Philosophy of Language, Social Philosophy

Thielallee 43, 14195 Berlin

Areas of Expertise

  • Soccer
  • Culture-specific differences in soccer
  • Role of the referee
  • Sociology of sport
  • Soccer fans
  • Olympia
  • Historical anthropology
  • Linguistic theory
  • Philosophy of language
  • Social philosophy
  • Aesthetics
  • Anthropology of language
  • Theories of practice
  • Philosophy of movement
  • Languages of emotion

Dr. Bernd Ladwig
Professor of Political Science

Department of Political and Social Sciences
Otto Suhr Institute of Political Science

Ihnestraße 22, 14195 Berlin

Areas of Expertise

  • Political theory and philosophy
  • Theory of justice
  • Human rights
  • Immigration / multiculturalism
  • Bioethics
  • Animal ethics

Dr. Luise Müller

Department of Philosophy and Humanities
Institute of Philosophy
Practical philosophy

Thielallee 43, 14195 Berlin

Areas of Expertise

  • Ethics of Artificial Intelligence
  • Philosophy of International Criminal Justice
  • Philosophy of Punishment
  • Political Theory

Dr. Wilhelm Schmidt-Biggemann
Professor of Philosophy

Department of Philosophy and Humanities
Institute of Philosophy
History of Philosophy

Habelschwerdter Allee 30, 14195 Berlin

Areas of Expertise

  • History of philosophy and philology in the early modern period
  • Borderline issues in philosophy and theology
  • Controversial theology in Christian denominations
  • Philosophy of religion
  • Philosophy of history
  • History of metaphysics
  • History of political philosophy
  • Concept of “topics”
  • History of the Christian Kabbalah
  • History of political theology

Dr. Jan Slaby
Professor of Philosophy

Department of Philosophy and Humanities
Institute of Philosophy

Habelschwerdter Allee 45, 14195 Berlin

Areas of Expertise

  • Philosophy of mind
  • Philosophy of emotions / feelings / affcets
  • Phenomenology
  • Philosophy of psychiatry and psychology
  • Science and Society
  • Philosophical aspects of the climate crisis
  • Societal responses to climate and environmental crises
  • Philosophy of technology
  • Emotions and Affect in politics
  • "Affective societies"

Dr. Holm Tetens
Professor of Philosophy

Department of Philosophy and Humanities
Institute of Philosophy

Handjerystraße 85, 12159 Berlin

Areas of Expertise

  • Theoretical philosophy
  • Philosophy of science
  • Philosophy of religion


Dr. Jochen Töpfer

Department of Political and Social Sciences
Institute for East European Studies
Division of Sociology

Garystraße 55, 14195 Berlin

Areas of Expertise

  • Social, political, and economic aspects of the transformation processes in Eastern Europe
  • Emphasis on southeastern Europe / former Yugoslavia / Albania
  • Privatization
  • Informality and neo-feudalism
  • Parties and political elites
  • Sociology of religion: structures, actors, processes
  • Religion and society
  • Religion and politics
  • Religion and conflict

Dr. Gyburg Uhlmann
Professor of Greek Language and Literature

Department of Philosophy and Humanities
Institute of Greek and Latin Languages and Literatures

Habelschwerdter Allee 45, 14195 Berlin

Areas of Expertise

  • Ancient literature and philosophy
  • Homer
  • Tragedy
  • Plato
  • Aristotle
  • Philosophy of late antiquity (Platonism and Aristotelianism)
  • Ancient philosophy of science
  • History of education (liberal arts)
  • Literary theory (ancient and modern)
  • Modern antiquity images
  • Effective history of antiquity

Dr. Barbara Vetter
Professor of Philosophy

Department of Philosophy and Humanities
Institute of Philosophy

Habelschwerdter Allee 30, 14195 Berlin

Areas of Expertise

  • Analytical philosophy
  • Metaphysics
  • Theory of knowledge
  • Philosophy of language
  • Skills
  • Possibility
  • Necessity
  • Aristotle

Dr. Urs Matthias Zachmann
Professor of History and Culture of Modern Japan

Department of History and Cultural Studies
Institute of Japanese Studies

Hittorfstraße 18, 14195 Berlin

Areas of Expertise

  • Culture and history of modern Japan
  • Intellectual history of East Asia
  • International relations of East Asia
  • Relations between Japan and China
  • Law in East Asia
  • Human rights in East Asia