Dr. Hanno Hochmuth
Department of History and Cultural Studies
Friedrich Meinecke Institute
Centre for Contemporary History, Potsdam
Koserstraße 20, 14495 Berlin
Phone (Office)
Phone (Home)
Areas of Expertise
- History of Berlin
- Public history
- Babylon Berlin (television series)
- History in film and television
- Gentrification
- History of the GDR
Dr. Agnieszka Hudzik
Department of Philosophy and Humanities
Friedrich Schlegel Graduate School of Literary Studies
Habelschwerdter Allee 45, 14195 Berlin
Please note
Areas of Expertise
- Theories of literature
- Representations of community in literature and contemporary art
- German-Polish literary and cultural relations
Dr. Hermann Kappelhoff
Professor of Film Studies
Department of Philosophy and Humanities
Institute of Theater Studies
Seminar for Film Studies
Grunewaldstr. 35, 12165 Berlin
Phone (Office)
Phone (Assistant)
Areas of Expertise
- Film theory
- History of film
Dr. Frank Kelleter
Professor of North American Studies
John F. Kennedy Institute for North American Studies
Department of Culture
Lansstraße 7-9, 14195 Berlin
Areas of Expertise
- Popular culture and media history, especially serial forms
- North American colonial history / revolutionary period and early republic
- (American) Enlightenment studies
Dr. Klaus Krüger
Professor of Art History
Department of History and Cultural Studies
Art History Institute
Koserstraße 20, 14195 Berlin
Areas of Expertise
- Art history
- Theory and history of painting, sculpture, and visual media in the Middle Ages and early modern times
- Italian art from the Middle Ages to the Baroque (12th to 17th centuries)
- Visual anthropology and cultural semantics in the premodern
- Contemporary art
- Art and film
- History of methods
Dr. Cordula Lemke
Professor of English Language and Literature
Department of Philosophy and Humanities
Institute for English Language and Literature
Habelschwerdter Allee 45, 14195 Berlin
Areas of Expertise
- English literature of the 19th, 20th, and 21st centuries
- European colonialism (especially Scotland)
- Gender studies
- Vampires in literature and film
Dr. Susanne Scharnowski
Department of Philosophy and Humanities
Institute of German and Dutch Languages and Literatures
Cultural Studies Program for International Exchange Students
Habelschwerdter Allee 45, 14195 Berlin
Areas of Expertise
- Debates about the concept of “Heimat”
- German regional literature and films
- “Heimat” and propaganda
- “Heimat” and criticism of progress
- “Heimat” vs. environment
- “Heimat” as a European phenomenon
- International student exchange (international students in the German school system)
Dr. Ralf Schlechtweg-Jahn
Department of Philosophy and Humanities
Institute of German and Dutch Languages and Literatures
Medieval German Literature and Linguistics
Habelschwerdter Allee 45, 14195 Berlin
Areas of Expertise
- German literature of the Middle Ages
- Literary theory, especially narratology
- Religion in medieval literature
- Power and violence in medieval literature
- Medieval reception
- Computer games
Dr. Tobias Wendl
Professor of Art History
Department of Philosophy and Humanities
Art History Institute
Art History of Africa
Koserstraße 20, 14195 Berlin
Phone (Office)
Areas of Expertise
- African art
- Art history of the African continent
- Masks and sculptures
- Visual culture
- Contemporary African art scene