Dr. Tobias Becker
Associate Professor for History
Department of History and Cultural Studies
Friedrich Meinecke Institute of History
Koserstr. 20, 14195 Berlin
Areas of Expertise
- Contemporary History
- Cultural history
- Urban history (especially Berlin)
- History of popular culture (19th and 20th century)
- History of Great Britain
- Nostalgia
- Public History
Dr. Kai Bremer
Professor of Modern German Literature
Department of Philosophy and Humanities
Institute of German and Dutch Languages and Literatures
Modern German Literature
Habelschwerdter Allee 45, 14195 Berlin
Areas of Expertise
- Literature of the early modern period
- Drama
- Contemporary drama
- Contemporary poetry
- Contemporary theatre
- Theatre criticism
- Rhetoric
- church history
- historical conversion research
- confessionalisation research
- philology
- editorial philology
- verse epic
- cultural history
Dr. Giulio Busi
Professor of Jewish Studies
Department of History and Cultural Studies
Institute of Jewish Studies
Fabeckstraße 23-25, 14195 Berlin
Areas of Expertise
- Beginning of anti-Semitism in the Middle Ages
- The Pope
- History of Jewish mysticism
- Jewish culture in late antiquity and the early modern period
- Situation of the Jewish population during the German occupation of Italy
- History of the Jewish religion and ethics from antiquity to the present
- Italy: Cultural heritage
Dr. Tanja Börzel
Jean Monnet Chair and Director of the Center for European Integration
Department of Political and Social Sciences
Otto Suhr Institute of Political Science
Center for European Integration
Ihnestr. 22, 14195 Berlin
Areas of Expertise
- Treaties of Rome
- EU enlargement
- European environmental policy
- Institutional structure under the Treaty of Lisbon
- EU Presidency
- “EU foreign affairs”
Dr. Tim Conrad
Professor of Medical Bioinformatics
Zuse Institute Berlin
Areas of Expertise
- Bioinformatics
- Proteomics
- Omics
- Data science
- Biological networks
- Big data
- Smart data
- Liquid biopsy
- Analysis of biological mass data
Dr. Miriam Flickinger
Professor of Business Administration
School of Business & Economics
Department of Management
Garystr. 21, 14195 Berlin
Areas of Expertise
- Top management teams
- Executive boards, supervisory boards
- CEO compensation
- Management
- Leadership
Boris Ginzburg
Institute for East European Studies
Garystraße 55, 14195 Berlin
Please note
Interviews are also possible in Russian language
Areas of Expertise
- post-Soviet region / Russia, Belarus and Ukraine
- German-Russian relations
- political impact of sanctions on autocracies
- Non-systemic opposition in Russia
- organized crime in the post-Soviet space
- Israeli foreign policy
Sabine Greiner
Department of Philosophy and Humanities
Center for Italian Studies, Freie Universität Berlin
Habelschwerdter Allee 45, 14195 Berlin
Areas of Expertise
- Italy-related educational opportunities and economic relations in Germany
- Italian education and higher education policy
Theocharis Grigoriadis, Ph.D.
Professor of Economics
School of Business & Economics
Institute for East European Studies
Garystraße 55, 14195 Berlin
Areas of Expertise
- Comparative economic systems
- Economic history
- Political economics
- Development assistance
Dr. Gülistan Gürbey
Professor of Political Science
Department of Political and Social Sciences
Otto Suhr Institute of Political Science
Ihnestr. 22, 14195 Berlin
Areas of Expertise
- Turkey
- Cyprus
- Kurds
- Iraq
- Integration
- Middle East
- Kurdish conflict
- Cyprus conflict
- Relations between Turkey and the EU
- German-Turkish relations
- Relations between Turkey and Greece
- Kurds in northern Iraq
- Turkish foreign and security policy
- Turkish domestic politics
- Migration and integration policy – Germany / EU
Johannes Heß
Department of Political and Social Sciences
Otto Suhr Institute of Political Science
Gender and Diversity Division
Boltzmannstr. 20, 14195 Berlin
Areas of Expertise
- Nationalism
- Gender and nationalism
- Secessionist movements
- Transgender Studies with a focus on nationalism and border demarcation
Sebastian Hoppe
Department of Political and Social Sciences
Institute for East European Studies
Department of Political Science
Garystraße 55, 14195 Berlin
Areas of Expertise
- political economy of Russia, especially economic, infrastructure and resource policies
- politics and economy in the Russian Far East
- Russian-Chinese relations
- regime dynamics and social mobilization in Russia and Ukraine
Dr. Agnieszka Hudzik
Department of Philosophy and Humanities
Friedrich Schlegel Graduate School of Literary Studies
Habelschwerdter Allee 45, 14195 Berlin
Please note
Areas of Expertise
- Theories of literature
- Representations of community in literature and contemporary art
- German-Polish literary and cultural relations
Dr. Swen Hutter
Professor of Political Sociology
Department of Political and Social Sciences
Institute of Sociology
Political Sociology
Garystrasse 55, 14195 Berlin
Areas of Expertise
- Social movements
- Protest
- Political parties
- Right-wing populism
- Civil society
- Europe
Dr. Oliver Janz
Professor of History
Department of History and Cultural Studies
Friedrich Meinecke Institute
Koserstr. 20, 14195 Berlin
Areas of Expertise
- History of World War I
- History of Italy in the 19th and 20th centuries
Dr. Anna Karla
Professor of Modern History
Department of History and Cultural Studies
Modern History
Koserstraße 20, 14195 Berlin
Please note
Interviews are also possible in French.
Areas of Expertise
- Europe in the 19th and 20th centuries
- Revolutions
- First World War
- Weimar Republic
- France
Tobias Klee
John F. Kennedy Institute
Boltzmannstraße 20, Berlin 14195
Areas of Expertise
- Gender history
- History of imperialism
- Spanish colonialism
- Catalan nationalism
Professor of Sociology Sebastian Kohl
John F. Kennedy Institute for North American Studies
Department of Sociology
Lansstr. 7-9, 14195 Berlin
Please note
Interviews are also possible in French.
Areas of Expertise
- Housing policy
- Housing market
- Insurance market
- Finance
Dr. Cordula Lemke
Professor of English Language and Literature
Department of Philosophy and Humanities
Institute for English Language and Literature
Habelschwerdter Allee 45, 14195 Berlin
Areas of Expertise
- English literature of the 19th, 20th, and 21st centuries
- European colonialism (especially Scotland)
- Gender studies
- Vampires in literature and film
Dr. Judith Meinschaefer
Professor of Linguistics
Department of Philosophie and Humanities
Institute of Romance Languages and Literatures
Gallo-Roman Linguistics
Habelschwerdter Allee 45, 14195 Berlin
Areas of Expertise
- Linguistics
- Romance languages (French, Italian, Spanish)
- Languages in France
Dr. Johannes Niehoff-Panagiotidis
Professor of Balkan Studies
Department of Philosophy and Humanities
Institute of Greek and Latin Languages and Literatures
Habelschwerdter Allee 45, 14195 Berlin
Areas of Expertise
- Balkans, especially Greece and Cyprus
- Religion in the Balkans
- Religion in the Middle East
- Jews in the Balkans
- Relationship between Judaism, Christianity, and Islam
Dr. Miltos Pechlivanos
Professor of Greek Studies
Department of Philosophy and Humanities
Institute of Greek and Latin Languages and Literatures
Habelschwerdter Allee 45, 14195 Berlin
Areas of Expertise
- Modern Greek studies
- Modern Greek literature and cultural history
Professor of Law Bettina Rentsch
Department of Law
Civil Law
Junior Professor for Civil Law, Private International Law and Comparative Law
Boltzmannstr. 3, 14195 Berlin
Please note
Interviews are possible in English, German and French.
Areas of Expertise
- Private international law
- International civil procedure
- Harmonization of European private law
- Corporate law
- Social theory in business/corporate law
- Anti-Semitism in private law
- Feminist theory and private law
Professor of Law Bettina Rentsch
Department of Law
Civil Law
Junior Professor for Civil Law, Private International Law and Comparative Law
Boltzmannstr. 3, 14195 Berlin
Please note
Interviews are possible in English, German and French.
Areas of Expertise
- Private international law
- International civil procedure
- Harmonization of European private law
- Corporate law
- Social theory in business/corporate law
- Anti-Semitism in private law
- Feminist theory and private law
Dr. Julia Reuschenbach
Department of Political and Social Sciences
Otto Suhr Institute for Political Science
Center for Political Sociology of Germany
Ihnestraße 21, Berlin 14195
Areas of Expertise
- Election and party research
- Political communication and political culture
- German contemporary history after 1945
- politics of history and culture of memory
- political science teaching at universities
Dr. Michaela Sambanis
Professor of English Didactics
Department of Philosophy and Humanities
Institute for English Language and Literature
Habelschwerdter Allee 45, 14195 Berlin
Areas of Expertise
Language, Emotion and Movement
- Translational research as a link between brain research and the practice of teaching and learning foreign languages
Drama Pedagogy in Teaching English and in Teacher Training
- Early acquisition of foreign languages
- Mixed-age learning settings
- English instruction tailored to specific individual needs
Dr. Susanne Scharnowski
Department of Philosophy and Humanities
Institute of German and Dutch Languages and Literatures
Cultural Studies Program for International Exchange Students
Habelschwerdter Allee 45, 14195 Berlin
Areas of Expertise
- Debates about the concept of “Heimat”
- German regional literature and films
- “Heimat” and propaganda
- “Heimat” and criticism of progress
- “Heimat” vs. environment
- “Heimat” as a European phenomenon
- International student exchange (international students in the German school system)
Dr. Ralf Schlechtweg-Jahn
Department of Philosophy and Humanities
Institute of German and Dutch Languages and Literatures
Medieval German Literature and Linguistics
Habelschwerdter Allee 45, 14195 Berlin
Areas of Expertise
- German literature of the Middle Ages
- Literary theory, especially narratology
- Religion in medieval literature
- Power and violence in medieval literature
- Medieval reception
- Computer games
Dr. Johanna Schnabel
Department of Political and Social Sciences
Otto Suhr Institute for Political Science
Research Unit Political System of the Federal Republic of Germany
Ihnestraße 22, 14195 Berlin
Please note
Interviews are also possible in French
Areas of Expertise
- Federalism (Germany, Switzerland, Canada, Australia, USA, Belgium)
- Cooperation between federal and state governments
- Education policy
- Fiscal policy
- Corona pandemic
Dr. Alexander Schunka
Professor of History
Department of History and Cultural Studies
Friedrich Meinecke Institute of History
Early Modern History
Koserstraße 20, 14195 Berlin
Areas of Expertise
- Early modern history
- History of religion
- Cultural history
- German history
- European history
- British history
- Historical research on migration / historical research on mobility
- History of cultural transfer / exchange processes (e.g., Christianity / Islam)
- History of resources (water)
Dr. Dennis Steffan
Department of Political and Social Sciences
Institute for Media and Communication Studies
Division Communication Theory and Media Effects
Garystraße 55, 14195 Berlin
Areas of Expertise
- Election campaigns (USA, Germany, EU)
- Political campaigns and election campaign strategies
- Politicians and parties on social media
- (Self-)portrayal and evaluation of politicians
- Images in politics
- Gender and politics
Dr. Max Steinhardt
Professor of Economics
John F. Kennedy Institute for North American Studies
Department of Economics
Lansstraße 7-9, 14195 Berlin
Areas of Expertise
- Economics of the labor market
- Political economics
- Economics of migration
- Integration and migration
- U.S. economic policy
Dr. Anita Traninger
Professor of Romance Languages and Literatures
Department of Philosophy and Humanities
Institute of Romance Languages and Literatures
Habelschwerdter Allee 45, 14195 Berlin
Areas of Expertise
- Rhetoric (history, theory, practice)
- University History
- Media History and New Media
- Gender Studies
- Global Literature
- Spanish Literature
- French Literature
Dr. Jochen Töpfer
Department of Political and Social Sciences
Institute for East European Studies
Division of Sociology
Garystraße 55, 14195 Berlin
Areas of Expertise
- Social, political, and economic aspects of the transformation processes in Eastern Europe
- Emphasis on southeastern Europe / former Yugoslavia / Albania
- Privatization
- Informality and neo-feudalism
- Parties and political elites
- Sociology of religion: structures, actors, processes
- Religion and society
- Religion and politics
- Religion and conflict
Dr. Sabine von Oppeln
Department of Political and Social Sciences
Otto Suhr Institute of Political Science
Ihnestraße 22, 14195 Berlin
Areas of Expertise
- European Union
- German and French European policy
- German-French relations
- Comparative politics in France and Germany