Friederike Beier
Department of Political and Social Sciences
Otto Suhr Institute of Political Science
Gender and Diversity
Ihnestraße 22, 14195 Berlin
Areas of Expertise
- Feminist state theory
- Social reproduction / care work
- Gender in global governance
- Time theory and policy
- Equality policy
- Feminist theory
Dr. Eva Cancik-Kirschbaum
Professor of Ancient Near Eastern Studies
Department of History and Cultural Studies
Institute of Ancient Near Eastern Languages and Civilizations
Fabeckstr. 23-25, 14195 Berlin
Phone (Office)
Phone (Assistant)
Areas of Expertise
- Ancient Near East
- Assyrians
- Babylonians
- Sumerians
- Akkadians
- Israel
- Syria
- Iraq
- Middle East
- Astronomy
- Astrology
- Science
- Early states
- School and education in pre-modern societies
- History of knowledge
- Oldest writing
- Decipherment
- Nimrud
- Nineveh
- Libraries
- Cuneiform
- Sumerian
- Akkadian
- Ancient Near East, Near East, Middle East: History and cultural history
- 4. - 1st millennium BC
- History of the influences of the Ancient Near East to the present day
- Ancient Near East and Europe: mythology
Dr. Bettina Hannover
Professor of Education
Department of Education and Psychology
Department of Education
Research on Schools and Teaching
Habelschwerdter Allee 45, 14195 Berlin
Phone (Office)
Phone (Assistant)
Areas of Expertise
- Differential development of girls and boys
- Gender roles, family
- Influence of the parental home
- Violence
- Adolescents
- Nursery schools and schools
- Academic development of children and young people with immigrant background
- Self and identity
Professor of Law Bettina Rentsch
Department of Law
Civil Law
Junior Professor for Civil Law, Private International Law and Comparative Law
Boltzmannstr. 3, 14195 Berlin
Phone (Office)
Phone (Home)
Please note
Interviews are possible in English, German and French.
Areas of Expertise
- Private international law
- International civil procedure
- Harmonization of European private law
- Corporate law
- Social theory in business/corporate law
- Anti-Semitism in private law
- Feminist theory and private law
Dr. Michaela Sambanis
Professor of English Didactics
Department of Philosophy and Humanities
Institute for English Language and Literature
Habelschwerdter Allee 45, 14195 Berlin
Areas of Expertise
Language, Emotion and Movement
- Translational research as a link between brain research and the practice of teaching and learning foreign languages
Drama Pedagogy in Teaching English and in Teacher Training
- Early acquisition of foreign languages
- Mixed-age learning settings
- English instruction tailored to specific individual needs