Higher Education / Training / Continuing Education
Dr. Nicolas Apostolopoulos
Professor of Media Technology
Center for Digital Systems (CeDiS)
E-Learning, E-Research, Multimedia
Ihnestraße 24, 14195 Berlin
Areas of Expertise
- New forms of teaching and learning / virtual learning environments
- E-learning / blended learning / MOOCs / E-learning concepts and strategies
- Distance learning
- Life-long learning
- Media education
- Learning management systems
- Audio and video / multimedia in education (school, university)
- Web 2.0 / social web
- E-research / E-humanities / E-publishing / open access
- Digital / multimedia archives
- Content management systems
- IT strategies
Dr. Tobias Becker
Associate Professor for History
Department of History and Cultural Studies
Friedrich Meinecke Institute of History
Koserstr. 20, 14195 Berlin
Areas of Expertise
- Contemporary History
- Cultural history
- Urban history (especially Berlin)
- History of popular culture (19th and 20th century)
- History of Great Britain
- Nostalgia
- Public History
Friederike Beier
Department of Political and Social Sciences
Otto Suhr Institute of Political Science
Gender and Diversity
Ihnestraße 22, 14195 Berlin
Areas of Expertise
- Feminist state theory
- Social reproduction / care work
- Gender in global governance
- Time theory and policy
- Equality policy
- Feminist theory
Dr. Inka Bormann
Professor of Education
Department of Education and Psychology
Division of General Education
Habelschwerdter Allee 45, 14195 Berlin
Areas of Expertise
- Trust in educational institutions: requirements, forms, implications
- Educational governance
- Sustainability and education for sustainable development
Dr. Kai Bremer
Professor of Modern German Literature
Department of Philosophy and Humanities
Institute of German and Dutch Languages and Literatures
Modern German Literature
Habelschwerdter Allee 45, 14195 Berlin
Areas of Expertise
- Literature of the early modern period
- Drama
- Contemporary drama
- Contemporary poetry
- Contemporary theatre
- Theatre criticism
- Rhetoric
- church history
- historical conversion research
- confessionalisation research
- philology
- editorial philology
- verse epic
- cultural history
Dr. Tim Conrad
Professor of Medical Bioinformatics
Zuse Institute Berlin
Areas of Expertise
- Bioinformatics
- Proteomics
- Omics
- Data science
- Biological networks
- Big data
- Smart data
- Liquid biopsy
- Analysis of biological mass data
Dr. Marcus Doherr, Ph.D.
Professor of Veterinary Epidemiology
Department of Veterinary Medicine
Institute for Veterinary Epidemiology and Biostatistics
Königsweg 67, 14163 Berlin
Areas of Expertise
- Epidemiology
- Investigation planning
- Statistics
- Veterinary public health
Dr. Catherine Dubourdieu
Professor of Physical Chemistry
Department of Biology, Chemistry, Pharmacy
Institute for Chemistry and Biochemistry
Applied Physical Chemistry
Takustr. 3, 141295 Berlin
Areas of Expertise
- Materials
- Nanoelectronics
- Nanotechnology
- Nanoscience
- Physics
Dr. Simone Dunekacke
Professor of Education
Early Childhood Education Research
Habelschwerdter Allee 45, 14195 Berlin
Areas of Expertise
- Competence structure and development of educational specialists
- Mathematical education for children aged 0-6 years
- Action-based and video-based competence assessment
Dr. Dina Emundts
Professor of Philosphy
Department of Philosophy and Humanities
Institute of Philosophy
Habelschwerdter 30, 14195 Berlin
Areas of Expertise
- History of philosophy, especially Kant and Hegel
- Metaphysics
- Epistemology
- Philosophy of Mind (in part also theory of feelings, especially gratitude and conscience)
Dr. Helge Ewers
Professor of Biochemistry
Department of Biology, Chemistry, Pharmacy
Institute of Chemistry and Biochemistry
Thielallee 63, 14195 Berlin
Areas of Expertise
- High resolution microscopy
- Nanobodies
- Septines
Dr. Martin Gersch
Professor of Business Administration
School of Business and Economics
Department of Information Systems
Business Administration / Einstein Center Digital Future / Digital Entrepreneurship Hub
Garystr. 21, 14195 Berlin
Areas of Expertise
- Economic theories
- Information management
- E-business / e-commerce
- Digital transformation (“creative destruction”)
- Entrepreneurship / entrepreneurial functions
- Technological convergence / convergence industry
- Innovative business models and business systems, such as in health or the music industry
- E-learning / blended learning
- New forms of teaching and learning
- Future of the university
Dr. Jonathan Jeschke
Professor of Ecological Novelty
Department of Biology, Chemistry, Pharmacy
Institute of Biology
Ecological Novelty
Königin-Luise-Straße 1-3, 14195 Berlin
Areas of Expertise
- Invasive species
- Alien species
- Neozoa
- Ecological novelty
- Anthropocene
- Biodiversity
- Conservaiton biology
- Endangered species
- Predators
- Prey
Dr. Barbara Kohn
Professor of Veterinary Medicine
Department of Veterinary Medicine
Small Animal Clinic
Oertzenweg 19b, 14163 Berlin
Areas of Expertise
- Small animal veterinary medicine
- Internal medicine
- Laboratory diagnostics
- Oncology / dermatology
Dr. Sabine Kropp
Professor of Political Science
Department of Political and Social Sciences
Otto Suhr Insitute of Political Science
Ihnestraße 22, 14195 Berlin
Areas of Expertise
- Federalism
- Coalitions
- Parliamentarism
- Europeanization
- German policy toward eastern Europe
Dr. Stefan Krumm
Professor of Psychology
Department of Education and Psychology
Psychological Assessment and Differential and Personality Psychology
Habelschwerdter Allee 45, 14195 Berlin
Areas of Expertise
- Hiring practices / aptitude testing
- Development of tests
- Working in virtual teams
- Job-related needs and values
- Intelligence
- Performance in mathematics
Dr. Harm Kuper
Professor of Education
Department of Education and Psychology
Further Education and Educational Management
Habelschwerdterallee 45, 14195 Berlin
Areas of Expertise
- Continuing education
- Education management
- Education reporting
- Education statistics
Dr. Reinhold Leinfelder
Professor of Geology
Department of Earth Sciences
Institute of Geological Sciences
Malteserstraße 74-100, 12249 Berlin
Areas of Expertise
- Anthropocene
- Coral reefs
- Sustainability transformation
- Research communication
- Museology
- Geology
Dr. Klaus Lips
Professor of Physics
Department of Physics, Institute of Experimental Physics
Helmholtz-Zentrum Berlin für Materialien und Energie, Institute for Nanospectroscopy
Albert-Einstein-Str. 15, 12489 Berlin
Areas of Expertise
- Photovoltaics
- Thin film materials
- Semiconductors
- Synchrotron spectroscopy
- Magnetic resonance spectroscopy
- Solid-state spectroscopy
Dr. Martin Lücke
Professor of History
Department of History and Cultural Studies
Friedrich Meinecke Institute of History
Division of History Education
Koserstr. 20, 14195 Berlin
Areas of Expertise
- Research on homosexuality
- Gender and diversity studies
- History lessons and historical learning
- History and reception of the Holocaust
Dr. Frank Postberg
Professor of Planetary Science
Department of Earth Sciences
Institute of Geological Sciences
Planetary Science and Remote Sensing
Malteserstrasse 74 - 100, 12249 Berlin
Areas of Expertise
- Planets and their moons
- Asteroids and comets
- Space probes
- Evolution of the solar system
- Cosmochemistry
- Astronomy
- Planetology
- Space travel
Dr. Frank Postberg
Professor of Planetary Science
Department of Earth Sciences
Institute of Geological Sciences
Planetary Science and Remote Sensing
Malteserstrasse 74 - 100, 12249 Berlin
Areas of Expertise
- Planets and their moons
- Asteroids and comets
- Space probes
- Evolution of the solar system
- Cosmochemistry
- Astronomy
- Planetology
- Space travel
Dr. Julia Reuschenbach
Department of Political and Social Sciences
Otto Suhr Institute for Political Science
Center for Political Sociology of Germany
Ihnestraße 21, Berlin 14195
Areas of Expertise
- Election and party research
- Political communication and political culture
- German contemporary history after 1945
- politics of history and culture of memory
- political science teaching at universities
Dr. Michaela Sambanis
Professor of English Didactics
Department of Philosophy and Humanities
Institute for English Language and Literature
Habelschwerdter Allee 45, 14195 Berlin
Areas of Expertise
Language, Emotion and Movement
- Translational research as a link between brain research and the practice of teaching and learning foreign languages
Drama Pedagogy in Teaching English and in Teacher Training
- Early acquisition of foreign languages
- Mixed-age learning settings
- English instruction tailored to specific individual needs
Dr. Thomas Stodulka
Professor of Anthropology
Department of Politcal and Social Sciences
Institute of Social and Cultural Anthropology
Landoltweg 9 - 11, 14195 Berlin
Areas of Expertise
- Culture
- “Street children”
- Emotions
- Affects
- Stigmatization
- Childhood
- Youth
- Indonesia
- Culture and mental illness
- Social inequality
- Ethnography
Dr. Anita Traninger
Professor of Romance Languages and Literatures
Department of Philosophy and Humanities
Institute of Romance Languages and Literatures
Habelschwerdter Allee 45, 14195 Berlin
Areas of Expertise
- Rhetoric (history, theory, practice)
- University History
- Media History and New Media
- Gender Studies
- Global Literature
- Spanish Literature
- French Literature