Una Europa Summer School in Sustainability - Bologna, 1-5 July 2024
News from Feb 29, 2024
What is it about?
The Università di Bologna is organizing a Una Europa Summer School on the topic "Sustainability in Communication and Education. Spreading the Word and Creating Awareness" which will take place from 1-5 July 2024 in Bologna. Researchers from the Una Europa partner universities in Bologna, Berlin, Dublin, Helsinki, Leuven, and Madrid will offerlectures, workshops, and field trips to doctoral researchers.
What is in it for me?
PhD students and doctoral researchers from FU Berlin and Una Europa partner universities can exchange ideas on topics related to sustainability communication and education. Applications to the Summer School open on 15 March. Costs for travel to and accommodation/support during the summer school will be funded through Erasmus. The number of spots for this funding are limited. A participation through self-funding can be eligible and has to be evaluated on a on a case-by-case basis. English level B2 is recommended.
How does it work?
Applications are coordinated decentrally by the partner universities. Doctoral researchers at Freie Universität Berlin are asked to send the filled out application form until 10 April to the Una Europa team at FU Berlin: unaeuropa@zedat.fu-berlin.de
The application form asks for details of the applicant including academic discipline and field of research, as well as a short letter of motivation. Please also add your résumé / curriculum vitae to your application. Any questions can be send to the Una Europa team via the above-mentioned email.
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Updated information on the Una Europa Summer School as well as the program can be found on the website of Università di Bologna.