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Share your ideas. What will the university of the future be like?

Una Europa launched an interactive process to define its mission and vision as Una Europa 2030. All members of the FU - students and staff in teaching, research, and administration - can share and discuss their ideas.

News from May 25, 2021

The rectors of all Una Europa partner universities started the discussion for Una Europa's future strategy and now its the turn for the Una Europa community to contribute their ideas. Students, teachers, researchers and staff are invited to discuss key questions for the future of Una Europa:

Where do we go from here? What do we stand for in the future? How do we want to study? What kind of research will be relevant? What will this alliance look like? Where can we, as Una Europa, be stronger together?

Una Europa 2030 provides a digital platform where participants from all partner universities can share their ideas and discuss with colleagues from across the whole Una Europa community. The platform stays open until 16 July 2021.

The collected ideas and the ensuing discussions will form the groundwork for building a joint strategy for Una Europa. The analysis of the ideas will be shared with the community in November 2021 when we will also kick off the second phase of the process at management level. The new strategy is expected be ready for action by May 2022.

These categories are at the center of the digital platform where they need your ideas, input, and commentary:

  • Act Global
  • Connect with our Communities
  • Enhance our Values
  • Learn for Life
  • Conduct Research for the Future
  • Use your Wildcard

You can find more information on the website for Una Europa 2030.

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