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4. How to proceed with the contract draft by the partner?

The scientific project managers of FU Berlin should first examine on their own whether or not the provisions in the draft of a potential partner are in their own view clear, transparent and suitable for the cooperation. This self-examination is important as only the project managers have the necessary overview on all specificities and difficulties of the research project. In case of doubt, please contact Team Legal Counsel in Research and Transfer (VI B).

Afterwards, the project managers are to send the contract draft to the competent advisor of Team Research Funding and Information (VI C) for a third-party-funded research or to the responsible administrator of the Team External Funding Administration (VI DMV) for the matters of ongoing projects. For other types of contract, please contact Team VI B directly.

Team VI B examines the contract draft in legal aspects and discusses the matter with other responsible departments (especially budget department, Teams VI C and VI DMV).

Amendment requests shall be incorporated in the draft per editing mode.

Team VI B may suggest draft amendments and submit them to the project managers of FU Berlin which may in turn be shared and discussed with the contract partners. Team VI B may, if required (especially in complex contractual matters), assume the communication about the draft with the contract partners or their legal advisors.

In the event of disagreement a tele- or videoconference between the project managers and the legal advisors of the contract parties (including Team VI B) may support the negotiation process.